新概念英语(1-139)Is that you, John?
Lesson 139
Is that you, John?
Listen to the tape then answer this question. Which John Smith does Graham Turner think he is talking to?
GRAHAM TURNER: Is that you, John?
JOHN SMITH: Yes, speaking.
GRAHAM TURNER: Tell Mary we'll be late for dinner this evening.
JOHN SMITH: I'm afraid I don't understand.
GRAHAM TURNER: Hasn't Mary told you?
She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening.
I said I would be at your house at six o'clock,
but the boss want me to do some extra work.
I'll have to stay at the office.
I don't know when I'll finish.
Oh, and by the way,
my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.
JOHN SMITH: I don't know what you're talking about.
GRAHAM TURNER: That is John Smith,isn't it?
JOHN SMITH: Yes, I'm John Smith.
GRAHAM TURNER: You are John Smith, the engineer, aren't you?
JOHN SMITH: That's right.
GRAHAM TURNER: You work for the Overseas Engineering Company, don't you?
JOHN SMITH: No, I don't I'm John Smith the telephone engineer
and I'm repairing your telephone line.
New Word and expressions 生词和短语
adj. 额外的
adj. 海外的,国外的
n. 工程
n. 公司
n. 线路
约 翰.史 密斯:是我,请讲。
约 翰.史 密斯:恐怕我还不明白您的意思。
约 翰.史 密斯:我不知道您在说些什么。
约 翰.史密 斯: 是的,我是约翰.史密斯。
约 翰.史 密斯:对。
约 翰.史 密斯:不,不是。我是电话工程师约翰.史密斯,我正在修理您的电话线。
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