Install and run DB Query Analyzer 6.04 on Microsoft Windows 10 

DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Genfeng, Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version named ‘DB Query Analyzer’ and Simplified Chinese version named   .

DB Query Analyzer is one of the few excellent Client Tools in the world for its’ powerful function, friendly interface, easy operation and applicability to every production of RDBMS.

   ① It lets you query ODBC data sources, author SQLscripts and queries, return query results to a grid or free-form text or a file, retrieve ODBC driver information,  execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously,save the result to files with high efficiency which is as quick as tools provided by database system. What is more, from 6.01, DBQuery Analyzer provides SQL Execute Schedule function to execute SQL scripts in certain time. If you select the option ‘SQL Schedule Reconnect’ in window configurations, the Schedule SQL scripts will be executed as long as theDatabase Server is in use, even though the Database Server had been down. ⑤From version 6.03, without changing any Windows OS settings or configurations, DB Query Analyzer can run on any Microsoft Windows OS directly such as Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7,Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME,Windows 9X.

In the New products& Tools reviews of programmer second issue of 2007, DB Query Analyzer had been strongly recommended.

DB Query Analyzer is one of the few excellent Client Tools in the world for its’ powerful function, friendly interface, easy operation and applicability to every production of RDBMS.

It lets you query ODBC data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, return query results to agrid or free-form text or a file, retrieve ODBC driver information, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, save the result to files with high efficiency which is as quick as tools provided by database system. What is more, from 6.01, DB Query Analyzer provides SQL Execute Schedule function to execute SQL scripts in certain time. If you select the option ‘SQL Schedule Reconnect’ in window configurations, the Schedule SQLscripts will be executed as long as the Database Server is in use, even thoughthe Database Server had been down.

In the New products& Tools reviews of programmer second issue of 2007, DB Query Analyzer had been strongly recommended.

Now the SimplifiedChinese version of DB Query Analyzer is the top 50 database application software in the famous software website .In most case it lies the top 10 and it has been downloaded more than 110,000 times.

80 technicalarticles about DB Query Analyzer have been published or been publishing incomputer journal, BAIDU Library, the CSDN resource or my four blog-websites.

The latest version of DB Query Analyzer is 6.04.

In 6.04, It resolve the BUG that error message will be prompted when executing a single long SQL script with more than thousands of lines or the file size of single SQL script more than 200KB.


If the SQL script with more than thousands of lines or the file size of single SQL script more than 200KB, please switch the checkbox ‘Color the key words, function of SQLstatement’ off. Otherwise, it will take you about half a minute for DB QueryAnalyzer to analyzer the Function names, Stored Procedures and Key Words.

Click the menu item Tools, then click the sub menu item Configuration to open the window Configurations bellow.

Switch off the item ‘Color the key words,function of SQL Statement’ in the window.

Normally, the item is set on and Function names, Stored Procedures and Key Words input by users will be drew different color in DB Query Analyzer no matter what RDBMS product. So it is convenient not only to rectify the mistakes but also to find out whether a certain function or system table or a stored procedure exists incurrent DBMS connection.

Figure 1   PC Client that has installed Windows 10

Figure 2  Install DB Query Analyzer on Windows 10


Figure 3   Install DB Query Analyzer on Windows 10


Figure 4  Install DB Query Analyzer on Windows 10


Figure 5   Form SQL Execute Schedule


Figure 6   SQL scripts were executed on time




DB Query Analyzer 6.04 download URL:


DB Query Analyzer Simplified Chinese version 6.04  download URL:

How to download the installation packages of DB Query Analyzer from ZOL?

Recently, Zhongguancun Online distributed the ZOL Downer for users to download the resources from ZOL. In this case,users can just download the ZOL downer with the code of resources, not the installation packages.

But if someone want to install the PC which is isolated from the INTERNET, he or she will no longer do that.

So how do the users download the installation packages? Please see the eassy bellow

How todownload the installation package by ZOL Downer

Remark :

Please uninstall the former version first, then install the latest version.

My blog is

Interview with CSDN:


80 technical articles about DB Query Analyzer have been published or been publishing in computer journal, Baidu Library, the CSDN resource or my four blog-websites.

The following 7articles have been published in computer journals.

Guangdong Highway settlement business analysis system based on Star Schema in Data Warehousing according to national standardization in Computer Era 7th issue of 2015 in Hangzhou.

DB Query Analyzer to cancel a running SQL statement in Computer Era 12th issue of 2011 in Hangzhou.

DB Query Analyzer Returns Information in More Detail While Batch SQL Statement End of Execution in Computer Programming Skill & Maintenance 24th issue of 2011 in Beijing

The Application of the Transactions Control in DB2 with DB Query Analyzer in Computer Programming Skill & Maintenance 22nd issue of 2011 in Beijing.

How does DB Query Analyzer cancel the SQL statement committed to DBMS in Computer Engineering & Software 6th issue of 2011 in Tianjin.

The Application of the Transactions Control in Oracle with DB Query Analyzer in Microcomputer Applications 11th issue of 2011 in Shanghai.

    DB Query Analyzer had been strongly recommended In the New products & Tools reviews of programmer 2nd issue of 2007.

The following 73 articleshave been published or been publishing in Baidu Library, the CSDN resource ormy four blog-websites.

The DBMS that DB Query Analyzer Users often use cover all kinds of DBMS have been published.

How to configure ODBC DSN in Client to access remote DB2 for Windows

How to configure ODBC DSN to access local DB2 for Windows

Which SQL statement is the trump card to the senior software developer

Exepacker prevent DB Query Analyzer from beging debugged have been published.

16 articles from The 1st tip of DB Query Analyze to The 16th skills of DB QueryAnalyzer have been published.

The table name must be enclosed in double quotation marks or sqare bracket while accessing EXCEL by DB Query Analyzer

How to download the installation packageby ZOL Downer

DB Query Analyzer, the most excellent Universal database Access tools on any Microsoft Windows OS

Demonstration of DB Query Analyzer 6.03 Installation and Running on Microsoft Windows 8

Installand run DB Query Analyzer 6.04 on Microsoft Windows 10

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