copyright (C), 2014-2015, Lighting Studio. Co., Ltd.
File name:
Author:Jerey_Jobs Version:0.1 Date:
Funcion List:
*****************************************************/ #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> typedef struct
unsigned int count;
unsigned int time_stamp;
int accurate(int *wins);
void merge(BARR*, int);
int estimate(BARR*);
void judge_file_pointer_null(FILE *fp); int window;//窗口大小
int size = ;//桶的个数 int main()
//BARR barrel[276];
BARR *barrel = (BARR *)malloc( * sizeof(BARR));
int i = ;
int data;//接收0 1
int *wins;//分配窗口大小的数组 printf("please input window size:\n");
scanf("%d", &window);
wins = (int *)malloc(window * sizeof(int)); //FILE *fp = fopen("./01stream.txt", "r");//打开文件
FILE *fp = fopen("./01stream_sample.txt", "r");//打开文件 judge_file_pointer_null(fp);//文件打开是否失败 int win_count = ;//窗口计数 while (!feof(fp))//扫描流中的数据
fscanf(fp, "%d", &data);
win_count++; if (win_count < window)
wins[win_count] = data;
wins[win_count % window] = data;//数组下标求模
#if 1
if (data == )//放入桶中
barrel[size].time_stamp = win_count;
barrel[size].count = ;
merge(barrel, size);
printf("1 estimate count :%d\n", estimate(barrel));
printf("1 accurate count :%d\n", accurate(wins)); fclose(fp);
return ;
} /*合并桶*/
void merge(BARR barrel[], int length)
int i, j;
int count = ;//记录最多可以存在几个相同
int tmp;
#if 1
if ((barrel[length - ].time_stamp > window))
for (i = ; i < length - ; i++)
if (barrel[i].time_stamp < (barrel[length - ].time_stamp - window))//
barrel[i].count = ;
#endif //合并
for (i = ; i < length ; i++)
count = ;//记录窗口中的相同大小的桶的个数
for (j = i + ; j < length ; j++)
if (barrel[i].count == barrel[j].count && (barrel[i].count != ))
if (count == )
tmp = j;//保存时间较久的桶的下标
}//end of inner for
if (count == )//如果窗口中有三个相同大小的桶则合并时间最久的两个桶
barrel[i].count = ;//时间戳小的舍弃,置零
barrel[tmp].count *= ;
}//end of external for
} /*DGIM估计窗口中1的数目*/
int estimate(BARR *barrel)
int i;
int estimate_count = ; //打印窗口中的桶
for (i = ; i < size; i++)
if (barrel[i].count != )
printf("%d, %d\n",barrel[i].time_stamp, barrel[i].count);
} int count = ;//计数第一个窗口内的值
for (i = ; i < size; i++)
if (barrel[i].time_stamp >= - window && barrel[i].count != )
if (count == )
estimate_count += 0.5 * barrel[i].count;//最小时间戳的桶值*0.5
estimate_count += barrel[i].count;
} return estimate_count;
} /*精确计数窗口中1的数目*/
int accurate(int *wins)
int accurate_count = ;
for (int i = ; i < window; i++)
if (*(wins + i) == )
return accurate_count;
} /*判断文件指针是否为空*/
void judge_file_pointer_null(FILE *fp)
if (fp == NULL)
printf("file open failed!\n");


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