

class Solution:
def maxScoreWords(self, words: List[str], letters: List[str], score: List[int]) -> int:
from collections import Counter
n = len(words)
v = lambda c: ord(c) - ord('a')
words = [Counter(v(c) for c in w) for w in words]
scores = [sum(score[k]*v for k, v in w.items()) for w in words]
avail = [0]*26
for c in letters: avail[v(c)] += 1
best = [0]
curr = [0]
def dfs(i):
if i == n:
best[0] = max(best[0], curr[0])
if all(avail[k] >= v for k, v in words[i].items()):
for k, v in words[i].items(): avail[k] -= v
curr[0] += scores[i]
curr[0] -= scores[i]
for k, v in words[i].items(): avail[k] += v
return best[0]


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