

UIBarButtonItem *addContactItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"添加"
target:self action:@selector(addContact:event:)];

在设置action selector的时候多传递一个event参数,然后:

- (void)addContact:(UIBarButtonItem *)sender event:(UIEvent *) event {
NSArray *menuItems = @[
[KxMenuItem menuItem:@"添加朋友" image:nil target:self action:@selector(addFriend)],
[KxMenuItem menuItem:@"添加群组" image:nil target:self action:@selector(addGroup)],
[KxMenuItem menuItem:@"添加班级" image:nil target:self action:@selector(addClass)],
[KxMenuItem menuItem:@"扫一扫" image:nil target:self action:@selector(scan)]
]; CGRect fromRect = [[event.allTouches anyObject] view].frame; fromRect.origin.y += 20; [KxMenu showMenuInView:self.view.window



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