HGE基本的渲染图元是hgeQuad (Quad is the basic HGE graphic primitive),其中有一个hgeVertex成员结构,它用来描述图元顶点信息。The hgeVertex structure is used to describe vertices of which HGE graphic primitives consist.两个结构信息如下:

  1. struct hgeQuad
  2. {
  3. hgeVertex v[4];
  4. HTEXTURE tex;
  5. int blend;
  6. };
  1. struct hgeVertex
  2. {
  3. float x, y;
  4. float z;
  5. DWORD col;
  6. float tx, ty;
  7. };



1.  用Texture_Load载入外部文件作为纹理。hgeQuad quad;  quad.tex=hge->Texture_Load("particles.png");

2.  设置hgeQuad的纹理坐标,窗口坐标,以及渲染模式。


3.  每一帧都调用 Gfx_RenderQuad函数,这个函数用hge->System_SetState()设置的。



Constructors Create and initalize a hgeSprite object.
Operators hgeSprite operators.
Render Renders sprite to the screen.
RenderEx Renders sprite with scaling and rotation.
RenderStretch Renders stretched sprite.
Render4V Renders sprite into arbitrary quad on the screen.
SetTexture Sets the texture to use for the sprite.
SetTextureRect Sets the texture region to use for the sprite.
SetColor Sets tint and alpha for the specified vertex or entire sprite.
SetZ Sets Z-order for the specified vertex or entire sprite.
SetBlendMode Sets the sprite blending mode.
SetHotSpot Sets the sprite anchor point.
SetFlip Flips the sprite horizontally and/or vertically.
GetTexture Returns the current sprite texture.
GetTextureRect Returns the current texture region used for the sprite.
GetColor Returns color of the specified sprite vertex.
GetZ Returns Z-order of the specified sprite vertex.
GetBlendMode Returns the current sprite blending mode.
GetHotSpot Returns the sprite anchor point.
GetFlip Returns the current sprite flipping.
GetWidth Returns the sprite width.
GetHeight Returns the sprite height.
GetBoundingBox Returns the sprite bounding box.
GetBoundingBoxEx Returns the scaled and rotated sprite bounding box.
  1. typedef DWORD HTEXTURE;



HTEXTURE tex1;  hgeSprite *spr;


spr=new hgeSprite(tex1,0,0,800,600); //初始化图片精灵,后四个参数分别是,起始位置X,起始位置Y,图片宽,图片高。


hge->Gfx_BeginScene();  //开始渲染 hge->Gfx_Clear(0xFFFFFFFF);   //以某种颜色清屏幕 spr->Render(10,10);     //在指定的位置上显示精灵 spr->SetColor(0xFFFF0000);    //设置hgesprite的渲染颜色是红色,前两位是透明度a,后面一次是r,g,b hge->Gfx_EndScene();  //结束渲染


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