


void ZDirector::run_service() {
// Main loop
while (_metronome.wait_for_tick()) {
const GCCause::Cause cause = make_gc_decision();
if (cause != GCCause::_no_gc) {
ZMetronome::wait_for_tick 是zgc定义的一个循环时钟函数,sample_allocation_rate函数则用于rule_allocation_rate策略估算可能oom的时间。重点关注:make_gc_decision函数,在判断从make_gc_decision函数返回的结果不是no_gc后,zgc将进行一次gc。
GCCause::Cause ZDirector::make_gc_decision() const {
// Rule 0: Timer
if (rule_timer()) {
return GCCause::_z_timer;
} // Rule 1: Warmup
if (rule_warmup()) {
return GCCause::_z_warmup;
} // Rule 2: Allocation rate
if (rule_allocation_rate()) {
return GCCause::_z_allocation_rate;
} // Rule 3: Proactive
if (rule_proactive()) {
return GCCause::_z_proactive;
} // No GC
return GCCause::_no_gc;
rule 1:固定间隔时间
bool ZDirector::rule_timer() const {
if (ZCollectionInterval == ) {
// Rule disabled
return false;
} // Perform GC if timer has expired.
const double time_since_last_gc = ZStatCycle::time_since_last();
const double time_until_gc = ZCollectionInterval - time_since_last_gc; log_debug(gc, director)("Rule: Timer, Interval: %us, TimeUntilGC: %.3lfs",
ZCollectionInterval, time_until_gc); return time_until_gc <= ;

rule 2:预热规则



bool ZDirector::rule_warmup() const {
if (is_warm()) {
// Rule disabled
return false;
} // Perform GC if heap usage passes 10/20/30% and no other GC has been
// performed yet. This allows us to get some early samples of the GC
// duration, which is needed by the other rules.
const size_t max_capacity = ZHeap::heap()->current_max_capacity();
const size_t used = ZHeap::heap()->used();
const double used_threshold_percent = (ZStatCycle::ncycles() + ) * 0.1;
const size_t used_threshold = max_capacity * used_threshold_percent; log_debug(gc, director)("Rule: Warmup %.0f%%, Used: " SIZE_FORMAT "MB, UsedThreshold: " SIZE_FORMAT "MB",
used_threshold_percent * , used / M, used_threshold / M); return used >= used_threshold;
} bool ZDirector::is_warm() const {
return ZStatCycle::ncycles() >= ;
} // 位置:ZStat.cpp
uint64_t ZStatCycle::ncycles() {
return _ncycles; // gc次数

rule 3:分配速率预估



bool ZDirector::rule_allocation_rate() const {
if (is_first()) {
// Rule disabled
return false;
} // Perform GC if the estimated max allocation rate indicates that we
// will run out of memory. The estimated max allocation rate is based
// on the moving average of the sampled allocation rate plus a safety
// margin based on variations in the allocation rate and unforeseen
// allocation spikes. // Calculate amount of free memory available to Java threads. Note that
// the heap reserve is not available to Java threads and is therefore not
// considered part of the free memory.
const size_t max_capacity = ZHeap::heap()->current_max_capacity();
const size_t max_reserve = ZHeap::heap()->max_reserve();
const size_t used = ZHeap::heap()->used();
const size_t free_with_reserve = max_capacity - used;
const size_t free = free_with_reserve - MIN2(free_with_reserve, max_reserve); // Calculate time until OOM given the max allocation rate and the amount
// of free memory. The allocation rate is a moving average and we multiply
// that with an allocation spike tolerance factor to guard against unforeseen
// phase changes in the allocate rate. We then add ~3.3 sigma to account for
// the allocation rate variance, which means the probability is 1 in 1000
// that a sample is outside of the confidence interval.
const double max_alloc_rate = (ZStatAllocRate::avg() * ZAllocationSpikeTolerance) + (ZStatAllocRate::avg_sd() * one_in_1000);
const double time_until_oom = free / (max_alloc_rate + 1.0); // Plus 1.0B/s to avoid division by zero // Calculate max duration of a GC cycle. The duration of GC is a moving
// average, we add ~3.3 sigma to account for the GC duration variance.
const AbsSeq& duration_of_gc = ZStatCycle::normalized_duration();
const double max_duration_of_gc = duration_of_gc.davg() + (duration_of_gc.dsd() * one_in_1000); // Calculate time until GC given the time until OOM and max duration of GC.
// We also deduct the sample interval, so that we don't overshoot the target
// time and end up starting the GC too late in the next interval.
const double sample_interval = 1.0 / ZStatAllocRate::sample_hz;
const double time_until_gc = time_until_oom - max_duration_of_gc - sample_interval; log_debug(gc, director)("Rule: Allocation Rate, MaxAllocRate: %.3lfMB/s, Free: " SIZE_FORMAT "MB, MaxDurationOfGC: %.3lfs, TimeUntilGC: %.3lfs",
max_alloc_rate / M, free / M, max_duration_of_gc, time_until_gc); return time_until_gc <= ;
} bool ZDirector::is_first() const {
return ZStatCycle::ncycles() == ;

rule 4:积极回收策略



bool ZDirector::rule_proactive() const {
if (!ZProactive || !is_warm()) {
// Rule disabled
return false;
} // Perform GC if the impact of doing so, in terms of application throughput
// reduction, is considered acceptable. This rule allows us to keep the heap
// size down and allow reference processing to happen even when we have a lot
// of free space on the heap. // Only consider doing a proactive GC if the heap usage has grown by at least
// 10% of the max capacity since the previous GC, or more than 5 minutes has
// passed since the previous GC. This helps avoid superfluous GCs when running
// applications with very low allocation rate.
const size_t used_after_last_gc = ZStatHeap::used_at_relocate_end();
const size_t used_increase_threshold = ZHeap::heap()->current_max_capacity() * 0.10; // 10%
const size_t used_threshold = used_after_last_gc + used_increase_threshold;
const size_t used = ZHeap::heap()->used();
const double time_since_last_gc = ZStatCycle::time_since_last();
const double time_since_last_gc_threshold = * ; // 5 minutes
if (used < used_threshold && time_since_last_gc < time_since_last_gc_threshold) {
// Don't even consider doing a proactive GC
log_debug(gc, director)("Rule: Proactive, UsedUntilEnabled: " SIZE_FORMAT "MB, TimeUntilEnabled: %.3lfs",
(used_threshold - used) / M,
time_since_last_gc_threshold - time_since_last_gc);
return false;
} const double assumed_throughput_drop_during_gc = 0.50; // 50%
const double acceptable_throughput_drop = 0.01; // 1%
const AbsSeq& duration_of_gc = ZStatCycle::normalized_duration();
const double max_duration_of_gc = duration_of_gc.davg() + (duration_of_gc.dsd() * one_in_1000);
const double acceptable_gc_interval = max_duration_of_gc * ((assumed_throughput_drop_during_gc / acceptable_throughput_drop) - 1.0);
const double time_until_gc = acceptable_gc_interval - time_since_last_gc; log_debug(gc, director)("Rule: Proactive, AcceptableGCInterval: %.3lfs, TimeSinceLastGC: %.3lfs, TimeUntilGC: %.3lfs",
acceptable_gc_interval, time_since_last_gc, time_until_gc); return time_until_gc <= ;





  • (STW)Pause Mark Start,开始标记,这个阶段只会标记(Mark0)由root引用的object,组成Root Set
  • Concurrent Mark,并发标记,从Root Set出发,并发遍历Root Set object的引用链并标记(Mark1)
  • (STW)Pause Mark End,检查是否已经并发标记完成,如果不是,需要进行多一次Concurrent Mark
  • Concurrent Process Non-Strong References,并发处理弱引用
  • Concurrent Reset Relocation Set
  • Concurrent Destroy Detached Pages
  • Concurrent Select Relocation Set,并发选择Relocation Set;
  • Concurrent Prepare Relocation Set,并发预处理Relocation Set
  • (STW)Pause Relocate Start,开始转移对象,依然是遍历root引用
  • Concurrent Relocate,并发转移,将需要回收的Page里的对象转移到Relocation Set,然后回收Page给系统重新利用


void ZDriver::run_gc_cycle(GCCause::Cause cause) {
ZDriverCycleScope scope(cause); // Phase 1: Pause Mark Start
ZMarkStartClosure cl;
} // Phase 2: Concurrent Mark
ZStatTimer timer(ZPhaseConcurrentMark);
} // Phase 3: Pause Mark End
ZMarkEndClosure cl;
while (!vm_operation(&cl)) {
// Phase 3.5: Concurrent Mark Continue
ZStatTimer timer(ZPhaseConcurrentMarkContinue);
} // Phase 4: Concurrent Process Non-Strong References
ZStatTimer timer(ZPhaseConcurrentProcessNonStrongReferences);
} // Phase 5: Concurrent Reset Relocation Set
ZStatTimer timer(ZPhaseConcurrentResetRelocationSet);
} // Phase 6: Concurrent Destroy Detached Pages
ZStatTimer timer(ZPhaseConcurrentDestroyDetachedPages);
} // Phase 7: Concurrent Select Relocation Set
ZStatTimer timer(ZPhaseConcurrentSelectRelocationSet);
} // Phase 8: Concurrent Prepare Relocation Set
ZStatTimer timer(ZPhaseConcurrentPrepareRelocationSet);
} // Phase 9: Pause Relocate Start
ZRelocateStartClosure cl;
} // Phase 10: Concurrent Relocate
ZStatTimer timer(ZPhaseConcurrentRelocated);


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