

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Core.Mapping;
using System.Data.Entity.Core.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure;
using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration;
using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.Conventions;
using System.Linq;
using EntityFramework.Extensions; namespace EntityFrameworkSample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var db = new BloggingContext(@"Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=TestDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=123456"))
string blogTableName = GetTableName(typeof(Blog), db);
string postTableName = GetTableName(typeof(Post), db); //Console.WriteLine("Blog maps to: {0}", blogTableName);
//Console.WriteLine("Post maps to: {0}", postTableName); string blogUrlColumnName = GetColumnName(typeof(Blog), "BlogUrl", db);
string postTitleColumnName = GetColumnName(typeof(Post), "PostTitle", db); Console.WriteLine("Blog.BlogUrl maps to: {0}.{1}", blogTableName, blogUrlColumnName);
Console.WriteLine("Post.PostTitle maps to: {0}.{1}", postTableName, postTitleColumnName);
} public static string GetTableName(Type type, DbContext context)
var metadata = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace; // Get the part of the model that contains info about the actual CLR types
var objectItemCollection = ((ObjectItemCollection)metadata.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.OSpace)); // Get the entity type from the model that maps to the CLR type
var entityType = metadata
.Single(e => objectItemCollection.GetClrType(e) == type); // Get the entity set that uses this entity type
var entitySet = metadata
.Single(s => s.ElementType.Name == entityType.Name); // Find the mapping between conceptual and storage model for this entity set
var mapping = metadata.GetItems<EntityContainerMapping>(DataSpace.CSSpace)
.Single(s => s.EntitySet == entitySet); // Find the storage entity set (table) that the entity is mapped
var table = mapping
.StoreEntitySet; // Return the table name from the storage entity set
return (string)table.MetadataProperties["Table"].Value ?? table.Name;
} public static string GetColumnName(Type type, string propertyName, DbContext context)
var metadata = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace; // Get the part of the model that contains info about the actual CLR types
var objectItemCollection = ((ObjectItemCollection)metadata.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.OSpace)); // Get the entity type from the model that maps to the CLR type
var entityType = metadata
.GetItems< EntityType > (DataSpace.OSpace)
.Single(e => objectItemCollection.GetClrType(e) == type); // Get the entity set that uses this entity type
var entitySet = metadata
.GetItems < EntityContainer > (DataSpace.CSpace)
.Single(s => s.ElementType.Name == entityType.Name); // Find the mapping between conceptual and storage model for this entity set
var mapping = metadata.GetItems < EntityContainerMapping > (DataSpace.CSSpace)
.Single(s => s.EntitySet == entitySet); // Find the storage entity set (table) that the entity is mapped
var tableEntitySet = mapping
.StoreEntitySet; // Return the table name from the storage entity set
//var tableName = tableEntitySet.MetadataProperties["Table"].Value ?? tableEntitySet.Name; // Find the storage property (column) that the property is mapped
var columnName = mapping
.OfType < ScalarPropertyMapping > ()
.Single(m => m.Property.Name == propertyName)
.Name; //return tableName + "." + columnName;
return columnName;
} public class BloggingContext : DbContext
public BloggingContext(string nameOrConnectionString)
: base(nameOrConnectionString)
{ } public DbSet<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }
public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; } protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new BlogMap());
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new PostMap());
} public class Blog
public int BlogId { get; set; }
public string BlogUrl { get; set; } public List<Post> Posts { get; set; }
} public class Post
public int PostId { get; set; }
public string PostTitle { get; set; }
public string Body { get; set; } public int BlogId { get; set; }
public Blog Blog { get; set; }
} public class BlogMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Blog>
public BlogMap()
this.HasKey(c => c.BlogId);
this.Property(c => c.BlogUrl).HasColumnName("Url");
} public class PostMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Post>
public PostMap()
this.HasKey(c => c.PostId);
this.Property(c => c.PostTitle).HasColumnName("Title");



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