#include<string.h> typedef struct
char *mem;
char len;
}m_table_t; int table_cmp(m_table_t *p1, m_table_t *p2)
int ret;
if(p1->len == p2->len)
return memcmp(p1->mem, p2->mem, p1->len);
if(p1->len > p2->len)
ret = memcmp(p1->mem, p2->mem, p2->len);
ret = memcmp(p1->mem, p2->mem, p1->len);
if( == ret)
return p1->len - p2->len; return ret;
} void sort(m_table_t *a, int num)
int i,j;
m_table_t temp;
if( table_cmp(&a[j], &a[j+] ) > )
memcpy( &temp, &a[j], sizeof(m_table_t) );
memcpy( &a[j], &a[j+], sizeof(m_table_t) );
memcpy( &a[j+], &temp, sizeof(m_table_t) );
} void quickSort(m_table_t *s, int l, int r)
int i, j;
m_table_t x;
if (l < r)
i = l; j = r;
memcpy(&x, &s[i], sizeof(m_table_t) );
while (i < j)
while(i < j && (table_cmp(&s[j], &x) > )) j--;
if(i < j)
memcpy( &s[i++], &s[j], sizeof(m_table_t) );
while(i < j && (table_cmp(&x, &s[i]) > )) i++;
if(i < j)
memcpy(&s[j--], &s[i], sizeof(m_table_t) );
memcpy(&s[i], &x, sizeof(m_table_t) );
quickSort(s, l, i - );
quickSort(s, i + , r);
} int str2table(m_table_t *table, char *str, int *index)
int i,w;
*index = ;
for(i=,w= -; i<strlen(str); i++)
if(' ' != *(str+i) )
if( (- == w) )
w = i;//start
if(- != w)//stop
table[*index].mem = str+w;
table[*index].len = i - w;
w = -;
if(- != w)
table[*index].mem = str+w;
table[*index].len = i - w;
w = -;
return ;
} void display(m_table_t *table, int index)
int i;
char tmp[] = {};
for(i=; i<index; i++)
memset(tmp, , );
memcpy(tmp, table[i].mem, table[i].len);
printf("%s\n", tmp);
} int main(void )
int index;
char input[] = {};
m_table_t g_table[]= {}; gets(input); str2table(&g_table[], input, &index); quickSort(&g_table[], , index-);//sort(&g_table[0], index-1); display(&g_table[], index);
return ;
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