SRDC - ORA-1628: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682729.1)
SRDC - ORA-1628: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682729.1)
Action Plan
1. Execute srdc_db_undo_ora-1628.sql as sysdba and collect the spool output.
--srdc_db_undo_ora-1628.sql REM srdc_db_undo_ora-1628.sql
REM collect Undo parameters,segment and transaction details for troubleshooting issues ORA-1628 errors.
define SRDCNAME='DB_Undo_ORA-1628'
set pagesize 200 verify off sqlprompt "" term off entmap off echo off
set markup html on spool on
select 'SRDC_'||upper('&&SRDCNAME')||'_'||upper(instance_name)||'_'|| to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD_HH24MISS') SRDCSPOOLNAME from v$instance;
spool &&SRDCSPOOLNAME..htm
select 'Diagnostic-Name ' "Diagnostic-Name ", '&&SRDCNAME' "Report Info" from dual
union all
select 'Time ' , to_char(systimestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24MISS TZHTZM' ) from dual
union all
select 'Machine ' , host_name from v$instance
union all
select 'Version ',version from v$instance
union all
select 'DBName ',name from v$database
union all
select 'Instance ',instance_name from v$instance
set echo on --***********************Undo Parameters********************** SELECT a.ksppinm "Parameter",
b.ksppstvl "Session Value",
c.ksppstvl "Instance Value"
FROM sys.x$ksppi a, sys.x$ksppcv b, sys.x$ksppsv c
WHERE a.indx = b.indx
AND a.indx = c.indx
AND a.ksppinm in ( '_undo_autotune' , '_smu_debug_mode' ,
'_highthreshold_undoretention' ,
'undo_tablespace' , 'undo_retention' , 'undo_management' )
order by 2
--***********************Tuned Undo Retention*********************** select max(maxquerylen),max(tuned_undoretention) from v$undostat
select max(maxquerylen),max(tuned_undoretention) from DBA_HIST_UNDOSTAT
--***********************Undo Space Usage*********************** select distinct status,tablespace_name, sum(bytes), count(*) from dba_undo_extents group by status, tablespace_name
select sum(bytes) from dba_free_space where tablespace_name in (select value from v$parameter where name='undo_tablespace')
select tablespace_name,
round(sum(case when status = 'UNEXPIRED' then bytes else 0 end) / 1048675,2) unexp_MB ,
round(sum(case when status = 'EXPIRED' then bytes else 0 end) / 1048576,2) exp_MB ,
round(sum(case when status = 'ACTIVE' then bytes else 0 end) / 1048576,2) act_MB
from dba_undo_extents group by tablespace_name
--***********************Extent Size and Total Bytes*********************** SELECT segment_name, bytes "Extent_Size", count(extent_id) "Extent_Count", bytes * count(extent_id) "Extent_Bytes" FROM dba_undo_extents WHERE status = 'ACTIVE' group by segment_name, bytes order by 1, 3 desc
--***********************Transaction Details*********************** select a.sid, a.serial#, a.username, b.used_urec, b.used_ublk
from v$session a, v$transaction b
where a.saddr=b.ses_addr
set echo off
set sqlprompt "SQL> " term on
set verify on
spool off
set markup html off spool off
set echo on
2. Attach the above evidence to the Service Request at SR creation time.
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