-Subproject commit 8c75e65b647238febd0257658b150f717a136359
+Subproject commit 8c75e65b647238febd0257658b150f717a136359-dirty

不知道如何操作出现的 dirty , 可印象中又什么都修改过

解决办法, 进入提示的那个文件夹中 git checkout .


As mentioned in Mark Longair's blog post Git Submodules Explained,

Versions 1.7.0 and later of git contain an annoying change in the behavior of git submodule.
Submodules are now regarded as dirty if they have any modified files or untracked files, whereas previously it would only be the case if HEAD in the submodule pointed to the wrong commit.

The meaning of the plus sign (+) in the output of git
submodule has changed, and the first time that you come across this it
takes a little while to figure out what’s going wrong, for example by
looking through changelogs or using git bisect on git.git to find the
change. It would have been much kinder to users to introduce a
different symbol for “at the specified version, but dirty”.

You can fix it by:

  • either committing or undoing the changes/evolutions within each
    of your submodules, before going back to the parent repo (where the diff
    shouldn't report "dirty" files anymore). To undo all changes to your
    submodule just cd into the root directory of your submodule and do git checkout .

    dotnetCarpenter comments that you can do a: git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout .

  • or add --ignore-submodules to your git diff, to temporarily ignore those "dirty" submodules.

New in Git version 1.7.2

As Noam comments below, this question mentions that, since git version 1.7.2, you can ignore the dirty submodules with:

git status --ignore-submodules=dirty

答案出处: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4873980/git-diff-says-subproject-is-dirty

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