标准的V4L2 API
V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY -- Variationof V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV with different order of samples in memory
In this format each four bytes is twopixels. Each four bytes is two Y's, a Cb and a Cr. Each Y goes to one of thepixels, and the Cb and Cr belong to both pixels. As you can see, the Cr and Cbcomponents have half the horizontal resolution of the Y component.
Example 2-1. V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY4 × 4 pixel image
Byte Order. Each cell is one byte.
start + 0: |
Cb00 |
Y'00 |
Cr00 |
Y'01 |
Cb01 |
Y'02 |
Cr01 |
Y'03 |
start + 8: |
Cb10 |
Y'10 |
Cr10 |
Y'11 |
Cb11 |
Y'12 |
Cr11 |
Y'13 |
start + 16: |
Cb20 |
Y'20 |
Cr20 |
Y'21 |
Cb21 |
Y'22 |
Cr21 |
Y'23 |
start + 24: |
Cb30 |
Y'30 |
Cr30 |
Y'31 |
Cb31 |
Y'32 |
Cr31 |
Y'33 |
Color Sample Location.
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
0 |
Y |
C |
Y |
Y |
C |
Y |
1 |
Y |
C |
Y |
Y |
C |
Y |
2 |
Y |
C |
Y |
Y |
C |
Y |
3 |
Y |
C |
Y |
Y |
C |
Y |
static void PictureGray(void *pInbuf,void*pOutbuf,unsigned int len)
unsigned int i;
unsigned int * pIn = (unsigned int*)pInbuf;
unsigned int *pOut= (unsigned int*)pOutbuf;
len >>= 2;
*pOut= *pIn & 0xff00ff00 | 0x00800080;
i want to transfer the input image ofyuv422 format to a gray image
if you want a grayscale output in the YCbCrcolorspace of your input you can just set the Cb and Cr values to 0x80and leave the Y as is, as Y is the brightness/luminance and is essentially thegreyscale version of the image so if you set the color values to a constantmedian value of 0x80 you end up with a grayscale image.
For working with the encodedecode demo, ifall you want to do is make the output look grayscale than the small functionmentioned above (and here) should still work for you. In the encodedecode demoyou are actually compressing and decompressing the video so you could performthis operation between capture and compress or between decompress and display,either way should work as the frame buffer will be in the proper YCbCR 4:2:2format at both points. In YCbCr 4:2:2 you have a stream of bytes in the formCbYCrYCbYCrYCbYCrY... and so on, where the Y values for luminance arefor each pixel and each 2 pixels shares a Cb and Cr for chrominance. Since agreyscale image is an image with only brightness/luminance and nochrominance/color all you have to do is remove the chrominance values,
howeversince the display is expecting an image formatted in color we cannot take themout completely,
but rather we can make the chrominancevalues constant, and for greyscale/B&W you want them to all be mid pointvalues of 0x80 (out of 0xFF).
The code below does just this, if yougive it a pointer to the YCbCr 4:2:2 frame buffer and the size of the buffer itwill step through and make all of the Cb and Cr values 0x80 so that the imageappears greyscale on the output.
Bernie Thompson:
//make the image greyscale by setting allchrominance to 0x80
void process_imagebw( void* currentFrame, int yRows, int xPixels)
int xx = 0;
for( xx = 0; xx < (yRows * xPixels)*2; xx+=2)//just operating on the chroma
*( ( (unsigned char*)currentFrame ) + xx ) = 0x80; //set all chromato midpoint 0x80
} // End process_imagebw()
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