原文: http://www.shortcutworld.com/en/win/Run-command.html

1. Calling Run Command
Win + r                         Start Run command

2. Windows Tools
winver                           Windows Version  
calc                               Open Calculator  
cmd                              Open Comand Window  
control                          Open Control Panel  
explorer                        Open Windows Explorer  
ftp                                Open FTP  
msconfig                       Open Windows Startup Configuration  
regedit                         Open Registry Editor  
sndvol                          Open Sound Volume  
taskmgr                        Open Task Manager  
dcomcnfg                      DCOM User Security/Component Services

3. Shell and Command
shell:RecycleBinFolder    Open Recycle bin folde  
cmd /k ipconfig              Show IP Config  
cmd /k hostname           Show Hostname

4. Managmenet Consoles
certmgr.msc                  Certificate Management  
compmgmt.msc             Computer Management  
devmgmt.msc                Device Management  
diskmgmt.msc               Disk Management  
fsmgmt.msc                  Folder Sharing Management  
eventvwr.msc                Event Viewer  
services.msc                  System Services

5. Shortcuts
appwiz.cpl                     Add or Remove Programs  
timedate.cpl                  Time and Date Settings  
desk.cpl                        Display Settings  
main.cpl                        Mouse Settings  
ncpa.cpl                        Network Settings  
powercfg.cpl                 Power Management  
intl.cpl                          Regional Settings  
mmsys.cpl                    Sound Settings  
sysdm.cpl                     System Settings  
firewall.cpl                    Firewall Settings  
wscui.cpl                      Security Settings

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