LA 2531 The K-league 最大流
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <deque>
- #include <vector>
- #include <queue>
- #include <string>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <map>
- #include <stack>
- #include <set>
- #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
- #define OPEN_FILE
- #define MAXN 626
- using namespace std;
- int n;
- int win[MAXN], remain[MAXN][MAXN];
- struct Edge{
- int from, to, cap, flow;
- //Edge(int u, int v, int c, int f) :from(u), to(v), cap(c), flow(f){};
- };
- bool comp(const Edge& a, const Edge& b){
- return (a.from < b.from || (a.from == b.from && <;
- }
- struct Dinic{
- int n, m, i, s, t;
- Edge e;
- vector<Edge> edges;
- vector<int> G[MAXN];
- int d[MAXN], cur[MAXN];
- bool vis[MAXN];
- void init(int n){
- this->n = n;
- for (i = ; i <= n; i++){
- G[i].clear();
- }
- edges.clear();
- }
- void AddEdge(int from, int to, int cap){
- edges.push_back(Edge{ from, to, cap, });
- edges.push_back(Edge{ to, from, , });
- m = edges.size();
- G[from].push_back(m - );
- G[to].push_back(m - );
- }
- bool BFS(){
- memset(vis, , sizeof(vis));
- queue<int> Q;
- Q.push(s);
- d[s] = ;
- vis[s] = ;
- while (!Q.empty()){
- int x = Q.front();
- Q.pop();
- for (i = ; i < G[x].size(); i++){
- Edge& e = edges[G[x][i]];
- if (!vis[] && e.cap > e.flow){
- vis[] = true;
- d[] = d[x] + ;
- Q.push(;
- }
- }
- }
- return vis[t];
- }
- int DFS(int x, int a){
- if (x == t || a == ) return a;
- int flow = , f;
- for (int& i = cur[x]; i < G[x].size(); i++){
- Edge& e = edges[G[x][i]];
- if (d[x] + == d[] && (f = DFS(, min(a, e.cap - e.flow))) > ){
- e.flow += f;
- edges[G[x][i] ^ ].flow -= f;
- flow += f;
- a -= f;
- if (a == ) break;
- }
- }
- return flow;
- }
- int MaxFlow(int s, int t, int need){
- int flow = ;
- this->s = s;
- this->t = t;
- while (BFS()){
- memset(cur, , sizeof(cur));
- flow += DFS(s, INF);
- if (flow > need) return flow;
- }
- return flow;
- }
- bool checkFull(int s){
- for (int i = ; i < G[s].size(); i++){
- if (edges[G[s][i]].flow != edges[G[s][i]].cap){
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- #ifdef OPEN_FILE
- freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
- freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
- #endif // OPEN_FILE
- int T, x;
- scanf("%d", &T);
- for (int cas = ; cas <= T; cas++){
- scanf("%d", &n);
- memset(win, , sizeof(win));
- for (int i = ; i <= n; i++){
- scanf("%d%d", &win[i], &x);
- }
- memset(remain, , sizeof(remain));
- int p = ;
- for (int i = ; i <= n; i++){
- for (int j = ; j <= n; j++){
- scanf("%d", &x);
- if (i == j) continue;
- remain[i][] += x;
- if (remain[i][j] == && remain[j][i] == ){
- remain[i][j] = x;
- ++p;
- }
- }
- }
- int s = , t = n + p + , q;
- bool flag, first;
- Dinic ex;
- first = false;
- for (int k = ; k <= n; k++){
- ex.init(n * n);
- flag = false;
- q = ;
- int total = win[k] + remain[k][];
- for (int i = ; i <= n; i++){
- for (int j = i + ; j <= n; j++){
- if (!remain[i][j]) continue;
- ex.AddEdge(s, q, remain[i][j]);
- ex.AddEdge(q, p + i, INF);
- ex.AddEdge(q, p + j, INF);
- q++;
- }
- if (total - win[i] < ) {
- flag = true;
- break;
- }
- ex.AddEdge(p + i, t, total - win[i]);
- }
- if (flag){
- continue;
- }
- ex.MaxFlow(s, t, INF);
- if (ex.checkFull()){
- if (first){
- printf(" ");
- }
- printf("%d", k);
- first = true;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
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