Ribbon is a client side IPC library that is battle-tested in cloud. It provides the following features
- Load balancing
- Fault tolerance
- Multiple protocol (HTTP, TCP, UDP) support in an asynchronous and reactive model
- Caching and batching
Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable.What does it do?
1) Latency and Fault Tolerance
Stop cascading failures. Fallbacks and graceful degradation. Fail fast and rapid recovery.
Thread and semaphore isolation with circuit breakers.
2) Realtime Operations
Realtime monitoring and configuration changes. Watch service and property changes take effect immediately as they spread across a fleet.
Be alerted, make decisions, affect change and see results in seconds.
3) Concurrency
Parallel execution. Concurrency aware request caching. Automated batching through request collapsing.
Backend for managing dimensional time series data.
4. Spectator
Simple library for instrumenting code to record dimensional time series.
Eureka is a REST (Representational State Transfer) based service that is primarily used in the AWS cloud for locating services for the purpose of load balancing and failover of middle-tier servers.
At Netflix, Eureka is used for the following purposes apart from playing a critical part in mid-tier load balancing.
For aiding Netflix Asgard - an open source service which makes cloud deployments easier, in
- Fast rollback of versions in case of problems avoiding the re-launch of 100's of instances which could take a long time.
- In rolling pushes, for avoiding propagation of a new version to all instances in case of problems.
For our cassandra deployments to take instances out of traffic for maintenance.
For our memcached caching services to identify the list of nodes in the ring.
For carrying other additional application specific metadata about services for various other reasons.
SSE Stream Aggregator
Archaius includes a set of configuration management APIs used by Netflix. It provides the following functionalities:
- Dynamic, Typed Properties
- High throughput and Thread Safe Configuration operations
- A polling framework that allows obtaining property changes of a Configuration Source
- A Callback mechanism that gets invoked on effective/"winning" property mutations (in the ordered hierarchy of Configurations)
- A JMX MBean that can be accessed via JConsole to inspect and invoke operations on properties
- Out of the box, Composite Configurations (With ordered hierarchy) for applications (and most web applications willing to use convention based property file locations)
- Implementations of dynamic configuration sources for URLs, JDBC and Amazon DynamoDB
- Scala dynamic property wrappers
- Spring Cloud(九)高可用的分布式配置中心 Spring Cloud Config 集成 Eureka 服务
上一篇文章,讲了SpringCloudConfig 集成Git仓库,这一篇我们讲一下SpringCloudConfig 配和 Eureka 注册中心一起使用 在分布式系统中,由于服务数量巨多,为了方便 ...
- Spring Cloud Netflix之Eureka服务消费者
Eureka服务消费者介绍 Eureka服务消费者用于发现服务和消费服务,发现服务通过Eureka Client完成,消费服务通过Ribbon完成,以实现负载均衡.在实际项目中,一个服务往往同时是服务 ...
- Spring Cloud netflix feign【服务间通信】
一.简介 1,进程间通讯的本质是交换消息 2,服务间通信的两种方式 (1)RESTFul风格 (2)RPC风格 (3)两种风格的比较 3.基于RESTFul风格服务调用模型 4.基于Spring Cl ...
- Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka【服务治理】
一.简介 二.使用 一.源码分析
- Spring Cloud Netflix概览和架构设计
Spring Cloud简介 Spring Cloud是基于Spring Boot的一整套实现微服务的框架.他提供了微服务开发所需的配置管理.服务发现.断路器.智能路由.微代理.控制总线.全局锁.决策 ...
- [Java复习] Spring Cloud - Netflix
Spring Cloud Netflix常用组件 服务注册与发现:Eureka 服务负载均衡:Ribbon 服务声明式客户端:Feign 服务熔断:Hystrix 服务网关: Zuul Eureka: ...
- Spring Cloud netflix 概览和架构设计
pring Cloud是基于Spring Boot的一整套实现微服务的框架.他提供了微服务开发所需的配置管理.服务发现.断路器.智能路由.微代理.控制总线.全局锁.决策竞选.分布式会话和集群状态管理等 ...
- Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul 重试会自动跳过经常超时的服务实例的简单说明和分析
在使用E版本的Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul内置的Ribbon重试功能时,发现Ribbon有一个非常有用的特性: 如果某个服务的某个实例经常需要重试,Ribbon则会在自己维护的一 ...
- 分布式微服务技术之 Spring Cloud Netflix
1 背景 Netflix 是全球十大视频网站中唯一收费站点,是美国互联网流媒体播放商,由于访问量巨大,转型为云计算公司. 由Netflix公司主持开发了一套代码框架和库Netflix OSS即open ...
- 【分布式架构】“spring cloud”与“dubbo”微服务的对比
秉承站在巨人的肩膀上,同时我也不想重复制造轮子,我发现了一系列关于“分布式架构”方面,我需要,同时能够解决我的一些疑惑.问题的博客,转载过来,原文链接: http://blog.csdn.net/ ...
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