
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, uint wParam, uint lParam); const uint WM_APPCOMMAND = 0x319;
const uint APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_MUTE = 0x08;


SendMessage(new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle, WM_APPCOMMAND, 0x200eb0, APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_MUTE * 0x10000);




public class KeyController
#region bVk参数 常量定义 public const byte vbKeyLButton = 0x1; // 鼠标左键
public const byte vbKeyRButton = 0x2; // 鼠标右键
public const byte vbKeyCancel = 0x3; // CANCEL 键
public const byte vbKeyMButton = 0x4; // 鼠标中键
public const byte vbKeyBack = 0x8; // BACKSPACE 键
public const byte vbKeyTab = 0x9; // TAB 键
public const byte vbKeyClear = 0xC; // CLEAR 键
public const byte vbKeyReturn = 0xD; // ENTER 键
public const byte vbKeyShift = 0x10; // SHIFT 键
public const byte vbKeyControl = 0x11; // CTRL 键
public const byte vbKeyAlt = ; // Alt 键 (键码18)
public const byte vbKeyMenu = 0x12; // MENU 键
public const byte vbKeyPause = 0x13; // PAUSE 键
public const byte vbKeyCapital = 0x14; // CAPS LOCK 键
public const byte vbKeyEscape = 0x1B; // ESC 键
public const byte vbKeySpace = 0x20; // SPACEBAR 键
public const byte vbKeyPageUp = 0x21; // PAGE UP 键
public const byte vbKeyEnd = 0x23; // End 键
public const byte vbKeyHome = 0x24; // HOME 键
public const byte vbKeyLeft = 0x25; // LEFT ARROW 键
public const byte vbKeyUp = 0x26; // UP ARROW 键
public const byte vbKeyRight = 0x27; // RIGHT ARROW 键
public const byte vbKeyDown = 0x28; // DOWN ARROW 键
public const byte vbKeySelect = 0x29; // Select 键
public const byte vbKeyPrint = 0x2A; // PRINT SCREEN 键
public const byte vbKeyExecute = 0x2B; // EXECUTE 键
public const byte vbKeySnapshot = 0x2C; // SNAPSHOT 键
public const byte vbKeyDelete = 0x2E; // Delete 键
public const byte vbKeyHelp = 0x2F; // HELP 键
public const byte vbKeyNumlock = 0x90; // NUM LOCK 键 //常用键 字母键A到Z
public const byte vbKeyA = ;
public const byte vbKeyB = ;
public const byte vbKeyC = ;
public const byte vbKeyD = ;
public const byte vbKeyE = ;
public const byte vbKeyF = ;
public const byte vbKeyG = ;
public const byte vbKeyH = ;
public const byte vbKeyI = ;
public const byte vbKeyJ = ;
public const byte vbKeyK = ;
public const byte vbKeyL = ;
public const byte vbKeyM = ;
public const byte vbKeyN = ;
public const byte vbKeyO = ;
public const byte vbKeyP = ;
public const byte vbKeyQ = ;
public const byte vbKeyR = ;
public const byte vbKeyS = ;
public const byte vbKeyT = ;
public const byte vbKeyU = ;
public const byte vbKeyV = ;
public const byte vbKeyW = ;
public const byte vbKeyX = ;
public const byte vbKeyY = ;
public const byte vbKeyZ = ; //数字键盘0到9
public const byte vbKey0 = ; // 0 键
public const byte vbKey1 = ; // 1 键
public const byte vbKey2 = ; // 2 键
public const byte vbKey3 = ; // 3 键
public const byte vbKey4 = ; // 4 键
public const byte vbKey5 = ; // 5 键
public const byte vbKey6 = ; // 6 键
public const byte vbKey7 = ; // 7 键
public const byte vbKey8 = ; // 8 键
public const byte vbKey9 = ; // 9 键 public const byte vbKeyNumpad0 = 0x60; //0 键
public const byte vbKeyNumpad1 = 0x61; //1 键
public const byte vbKeyNumpad2 = 0x62; //2 键
public const byte vbKeyNumpad3 = 0x63; //3 键
public const byte vbKeyNumpad4 = 0x64; //4 键
public const byte vbKeyNumpad5 = 0x65; //5 键
public const byte vbKeyNumpad6 = 0x66; //6 键
public const byte vbKeyNumpad7 = 0x67; //7 键
public const byte vbKeyNumpad8 = 0x68; //8 键
public const byte vbKeyNumpad9 = 0x69; //9 键
public const byte vbKeyMultiply = 0x6A; // MULTIPLICATIONSIGN(*)键
public const byte vbKeyAdd = 0x6B; // PLUS SIGN(+) 键
public const byte vbKeySeparator = 0x6C; // ENTER 键
public const byte vbKeySubtract = 0x6D; // MINUS SIGN(-) 键
public const byte vbKeyDecimal = 0x6E; // DECIMAL POINT(.) 键
public const byte vbKeyDivide = 0x6F; // DIVISION SIGN(/) 键 //F1到F12按键
public const byte vbKeyF1 = 0x70; //F1 键
public const byte vbKeyF2 = 0x71; //F2 键
public const byte vbKeyF3 = 0x72; //F3 键
public const byte vbKeyF4 = 0x73; //F4 键
public const byte vbKeyF5 = 0x74; //F5 键
public const byte vbKeyF6 = 0x75; //F6 键
public const byte vbKeyF7 = 0x76; //F7 键
public const byte vbKeyF8 = 0x77; //F8 键
public const byte vbKeyF9 = 0x78; //F9 键
public const byte vbKeyF10 = 0x79; //F10 键
public const byte vbKeyF11 = 0x7A; //F11 键
public const byte vbKeyF12 = 0x7B; //F12 键 #endregion #region 引用win32api方法 /// <summary>
/// 导入模拟键盘的方法
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bVk" >按键的虚拟键值</param>
/// <param name= "bScan" >扫描码,一般不用设置,用0代替就行</param>
/// <param name= "dwFlags" >选项标志:0:表示按下,2:表示松开</param>
/// <param name= "dwExtraInfo">一般设置为0</param>
public static extern void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, int dwFlags, int dwExtraInfo); #endregion


KeyController.keybd_event(, , , );
KeyController.keybd_event(, , , );


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