Scheduler Overhaul,

with contributions from rbyers, sadrul, rjkroege, sievers, epenner, skyostil, brianderson, jdduke, sievers, nduca, kloba

Status: Deprecated. Ideas are valid but priorities and shape have changed



Two Phase Plan

Background reading

Browser Input & Compositor Architecture

Output dSurfaces

Input System

CC Scheduler

CC Activation



On all platforms, with one architecture, we wish to:

  • Minimize the latency of impl-side scrolling
  • Maximize throughput and Minimize latency of javascript-driven scroll, e.g. for
  • Maximize throughput of pure rAF-based applications, e.g. JSGameBench, MapsGL or Pong. Some tuning on this goal is deferred to phase 2.


Deadline scheduler landed for Android. @brianderson working on making this work everywhere.

Two Phase Plan

Meeting all these goals is really hard, especially maximizing throughput of rAF and doing renderer-side input coalescing. Therefore:

  • Phase 1, this doc: get better rAF throughput, by improving activation and draw time decisions. This gives back a lot toward rAF-based apps.
  • y to get absolute-best rAF throughput and do input coalescing on the renderer-side.

Background reading

Poke at the docs on Compositor Thread Architecture  and Impl side painting, and feel free to ask questions on graphics-dev.

Design Observations

We’ve learned a lot about tuning-for-latency over the last few quarters, especiallyvia prototype work done by @skyostil to try to improve things and Brians’ Zil`CH research.

A “normal” rendering system receives input, processes it, calls the invalidate function on the drawing system, and then lets that system draw based on a draw schedule, all in one thread. In Chrome, inputs get received in the UI thread but handled by the render process, then by the browser if they were not consumed by the renderer. Drawing, similarly, is done by the render process to form a tab’s image, then done by the browser to composite that tab plus the browser chrome together. A naive implementation of Android’s “traditional” scheduling model in Chrome would result in:

  1. Get an input. Send it to render process. +1.5ms
  2. Process the input, triggering an invalidate. Send the invalidate to the browser to trigger a view system redraw. +1.5ms
  3. Browser begins redraw. Send redraw request to renderer process. +1.5ms
  4. Renderer completes redraw and sends draw data to browser process. +1.5ms

That is ~6ms just to do the equivalent that Android would do in a combination of an input event, invalidate and a draw of the view tree. This sort of issue leads us to try to fold drawing with input whenever we are pretty sure that a draw would result from the input.

On top of this challenge, web page rendering suffers from unpredictable and sometimes extremely severe delays when processing input and doing drawing. Some sites do their drawing and input handling in milliseconds, having tuned touch handlers, low invalidation rate, and cheap painting tiles. But, others have huge tile painting costs, super heavy input handlers, crazy forced recalc-style bottlenecks that lead to 300ms+ hitches.  In the long term, we want to fix these big stalls. This requires substantial work on Blink, however, and is not a practical solution for now.

To deal with this, we split a frame into a synchronous part and an asynchronous part. The asynchronous part is where we send input to WebKit for handling, and raster tasks to threads for rasterization. At any time while these asynchronous jobs are in flight, we can “draw” the current world -- showing the world as if those inputs had not been handled. This makes a page feel responsive when it is slow to respond, and is key to good-enough feeling performance. However, when one of those threads is sometimes responsive and sometimes unresponsive, we have a uniquely painful challenge. When we begin asynchronous work for the frame, we don’t know if that work will come back on-time or not. At this point, we have a few  options:

  1. Assume it will run long, draw the world up to now, and use the results of the async work in the next frame. This adds 1 frame of latency to each pipeline stage that makes this assumption.
  2. Wait a bit hoping that the work will complete. If no response is received, say in 8ms, draw anyway. If the response is received promptly, congratulations, you are going to space. If no response is received, then draw the world as-is.


The current chrome does option #1, basically assuming that things will run long. This leads to lagginess but good throughput. We want to try out option 2 --- even with a fixed deadline of 8ms, 77when you have a well-behaved page that is responsive, this wins back a frame of latency. We want to give this a try.

Our Plan

We propose moving all scheduling logic for
all compositors to the browser process. Renderer compositors will not
self-draw with an independently running ticker. Rather, their draw will be
controlled by a BeginRenderFrame message sent by the browser compositor. And,
we will modify the browser side input system on all platforms to always
send input events before the
BeginRenderFrame message. This ensures a clean processing flow: process input,
begin rendering a frame, wait for any async work, then draw the frame. All
compositors will track a draw deadline. If they send work to a child thread to
do rendering, e.g. impl thread tells RendererMain to rAF, then they draw as soon
as the response is received [and activated]. If no response arrives by the
deadline, and setNeedsRedraw was true for other reasons, then drawing happens
anyway. The deadline is propagated along with the BeginRenderFrame message.
This gives a chance for the child process to insert its results into the
current frame before it gets drawn.

With this work complete, this is the flow of the TouchMove in the browser that
follows a TouchDown. When that is acked, we needs to send a GestureScrollBegin
and GestureScrollUpdate packet. This is one of the hardest cases to get right:

The remainder of this document describes
the various components we

plan to build in order to implement this new

Browser Input & Compositor Architecture

Objective: Send input, then BeginFrame
messages to the Render process

Browser InputRouter Design Doc:


To guarantee that input events are
delivered predictably at the start of a frame instead of whenever they are
generated by the platform, we introduce a new BufferedInputRouter class:

Each RenderWidgetHostImpl would own a
BufferedInputRouter to which it delegates all input events and the associated
acks from the renderer. Since we want to deliver input during animation phase
of the browser compositor, BIR schedules animation upon receiving input. This
causes the browser compositor to request a BeginFrame message from its output
surface. The output surface uses another new class, the vsync provider, to
satisfy this request:

class VSyncProvider {

// draw deadline is the output time - (GPU process time prediction)
    typedef void (*Callback)(frame_time,
draw_deadline, output_time);

void SetVSyncCallback(Callback) // Just one callback, called on an
arbitrary thread.

void RequestVSync();


Once the vsync fires, the animation phase
of the browser compositor starts, causing all input controller instances to
flush their pending input packets to the renderers. Each renderer will process
the given input and respond with an ack. The renderer will also send an
additional BeginFrame request to the browser if the input prompted drawing.
Once all acks have been received and there is no more pending input, the input
controller lets the browser compositor send the BeginFrame message to the
renderers to allow them to commence drawing.

Output Surfaces

The FrameRate controller is deleted. The
compositor is now triggered by the OutputSurface:

class OutputSurface {


void setNeedsBeginFrame(bool

void didBeginFrame(enum
BeginFrameResult, inputPacketsThatWereHandled);


class OutputSurfaceClient {

void beginFrame(TimeTicks
frame_time, TimeTicks draw_by_deadline, TimeTicks output_time);


// Used to switch between 0-latency and 1-frame-deep mode (1 or 2
BeginFrames in flight)

enum BeginFrameResult {



// A hint that having 2 BeginFrames in flight might help with throughput, for
example if the main thread ran long but drew css.

DidntBegin, // Main thread ran
long. Parent compositor can use this information to trigger early.


MaxFramesPending logic moves for now into
CCScheduler. It may eventually go up to BrowserOutputSurfaceImpl.

Input System

We will deprecate
RenderWidget::ForwardInputEvent, as well as the existing InputEvent IPC model
and introduce a completely new input system. This input system will be designed
from the ground up to handle input queueing for gestures, regular input, all in
a way that is coordinated relative to VSync and BeginFrame messages.

Detailed design doc here:

CC Scheduler

Objective: Send BFAC to main thread on BF,
but draw on deadline.

This is a simplified version of how CC
scheduling will work for Phase 1. Optimization for particular use cases will be
handled in Phase 2:

  1. Main thread to impl thread relationship is unchanged.
  2. Need to add frameOuptutTime and frameDrawDeadline to
  3. Scheduler forgets about:
    1. HasActivatedThisFrame, SA_TryToActivate -> due to
      bug 236648
    2. FrameRateController and MaxFramesPending.
    3. SetTimebaseAndInterval.
  4. FramePhase { AtBeginFrame, BeforeDrawDeadline,
    AtDrawDeadline, NoBeginFrame }
    Set by ThreadProxy based on where we are relative to BeginFrame, and
    Deadline events
  5. Scheduler logic
    1. Change logic for SA_BeginFrame to send when not in
      NoBeginFrame and one already in progress
    2. WillDraw == (CanDraw && FramePhase !=
    3. Sending SA_Draw to depend on WillDraw.
    4. To support Impl-side ResourceUpdateController,
      AnticipatedDrawTime must be reimplemented because we no longer have a
      timebase and interval.
  6. When RenderWidget’s Input handler rejects an input,
    preemptively SetNeedsCommit on ThreadProxy


setDidSendInputToMainThread() // cleared by BeginFrame.

setDidConsumeInputOnImplThread() // cleared by BeginFrame.


setDrawDeadline(TimeTicks deadline) // posts a task for deadline



setFramePhase(FramePhase phase);

CC Activation

Objective: allow activation to happen as
soon as the raster work for the frame is done.

Problem: Right now, activation and
checkForCompleted is pinned to vsync. Oops.

Next steps: we think this is a small
patch, done by the right person. Filed for tracking purposes.


    • How does this work for browsers
      that don’t have a browser compositor?
      Browser still has a BufferedInputRouter and a LegacyBeginFrameScheduler that
      internally manages and triggers RBF acks
    • How does old-style software mode
      work? Single thread mode?
      InvaidateRect, ScrollRect, ScheduleComposite and ScheduleAnimate all trigger a
      SetBeginFrame. BeginFrame calls DoDeferrredUpdate.

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