
using namespace std; /*
用法:const_cast<type_id> (expression)
  该运算符用来修改类型的const或volatile属性。除了const 或volatile修饰之外, type_id和expression的类型是一样的。
type_id 必须为指针或引用
*/ class B
int m_iNum;
B() : m_iNum()
{ }
}; void foo()
const B *b1 = new B();
//b1->m_iNum = 100; // 编译错误
// 做如下转换,体现出转换为指针类型
B *b2 = const_cast<B*>(b1);
b2->m_iNum = ;
cout<<"b1: "<< b1->m_iNum <<endl;
cout<<"b2: "<< b2->m_iNum <<endl; const B b3;
//b3.m_iNum = 100; // 编译错误
B b4 = const_cast<B&>(b3); // b4是另外一个对象
b4.m_iNum = ;
cout<<"b3: "<<b3.m_iNum <<endl;
cout<<"b4: "<<b4.m_iNum <<endl; const B b5;
//b5.m_iNum = 100; // 编译错误 // 或者左侧也可以用引用类型,如果对b6的数据成员做改变,就是对b5的值在做改变
B &b6 = const_cast<B&>(b5);
b6.m_iNum = ;
cout<<"b5: "<<b5.m_iNum <<endl;
cout<<"b6: "<<b6.m_iNum <<endl; // force to convert
const int x = ;
int* y = (int *)(&x); // 同样的地址,但是内容是不一样的
*y = ;
cout << "x: "<<x<<" address: "<<&x<<endl;
cout << "*y: "<<*y<<" address: "<<y<<endl;
cout<<endl; const int xx = ;
int* yy = const_cast<int *> (&xx); // 同样的地址,但是内容是不一样的
*yy = ;
cout << "xx: "<<xx<<" address: "<<&xx<<endl;
cout << "*yy: "<<*yy<<" address: "<<yy<<endl;
// int
const int xxx = ;
int yyy = const_cast<int&> (xxx); // yyy是另外一个int对象
yyy = ;
cout << "xxx: "<<xxx<<" address: "<<&xxx<<endl;
cout << "yyy: "<<yyy<<" address: "<<&yyy<<endl;
} int main(void)
return ;



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