1. 首先下载测试数据,数据也可以创建

  1. http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-latest-small.zip

2. 数据类型与字段名称

  1. movies.csv(电影元数据)
  2. movieId,title,genres
  4. ratings.csv(用户打分数据)
  5. userId,movieId,rating,timestamp

3. 先把数据存放到HDFS上

  1. hdfs dfs -mkdir /hive_operate
  2. hdfs dfs -mkdir /hive_operate/movie_table
  3. hdfs dfs -mkdir /hive_operate/rating_table
  5. hdfs dfs -put movies.csv /hive_operate/movie_table
  6. hdfs dfs -put ratings.csv /hive_operate/rating_table

4. 创建movie_table和rating_table

  1. ]$ cat create_movie_table.sql
  2. create external table movie_table
  3. (
  4. movieId STRING,
  5. title STRING,
  6. genres STRING
  7. )
  8. row format delimited fields terminated by ','
  9. stored as textfile
  10. location '/hive_operate/movie_table';
  12. ]$ cat create_rating_table.sql
  13. create external table rating_table
  14. (userId STRING,
  15. movieId STRING,
  16. rating STRING,
  17. ts STRING
  18. )
  19. row format delimited fields terminated by ','
  20. stored as textfile
  21. location '/hive_operate/rating_table';
  22. 其中字段名为timestamphive的保留字段,执行的时候会报错,需用反引号或者修改字段名,我这边修改的字段名

5. 执行

  1. 可以通过复制命令到终端执行,也可以通过hive -f movie_table_e来创建表

6. 查看

  1. hive> show tables;
  2. OK
  3. movie_table
  4. rating_table
  6. hive> select * from rating_table limit ;
  7. OK
  8. 2.5
  9. 3.0
  10. 3.0
  11. 2.0
  12. 4.0
  13. 2.0
  14. 2.0
  15. 2.0
  16. 3.5
  17. 2.0

7. 生成新表(行为表)

  1. create table behavior_table as
  2. select B.userid, A.movieid, B.rating, A.title
  3. from movie_table A
  4. join rating_table B
  5. on A.movieid == B.movieid;

8. 把Hive表数据导入到本地

  1. table->local file
  2. insert overwrite local directory '/root/hive_test/1.txt' select * from behavior_table;

9. 把Hive表数据导入到HDFS上

  1. table->hdfs file
  2. insert overwrite directory '/root/hive_test/1.txt' select * from behavior_table;

10. 把本地数据导入到Hive表中

  1. local file -> table
  2. LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/root/hive_test/a.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE behavior_table;

11. 把HDFS上的数导入到HIve表中

  1. hdfs file -> table
  2. LOAD DATA INPATH '/a.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE behavior_table;


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