来自官方文档。。。感谢老王指出需要c++11,一下代码全在c++11下编译,编译参数加入  -std=c++11

#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std; int main(const int argc, char** argv)
//c style
int i = 0;
//c++ style
int j(1);
//only in c++ 11
int k = { 2 };
cout << i << endl;
cout << j + k << endl;
int foo = 0;
//same as int bar=foo;
auto bar = foo;
cout << bar << endl;
//bar2 type is int,has no initVal
decltype(foo) bar2;
bar2 = 4.2000;
cout << bar2 << endl;
cout << sizeof(wchar_t) << endl;
//base 10
int ii = 10;
//base 8
int kk = 010;
//base 16
int kkk = 0xff;
cout << ii << " " << kk << " " << kkk << endl;
int kkkk = 75; //int
unsigned int uik = 4294967295u; //unsigned int
long lk = 75l; //long
long ulk = 75ul; //unsigned long
cout << kkkk << " " << uik << " " << lk << " " << ulk << endl;
cout << "long double size " << sizeof(long double) << endl;
cout << "long long int size " << sizeof(long long int) << endl;
//default type for floating-point literals is double
//we can add suffix f or l
float fi = 6.02e23f; //float
long double ld = 3.14159L; //long double
cout << "fi " << fi << " long double " << ld << endl;
//Internally, computers represent characters as numerical codes
string x = "string expressed in \
two lines";
cout << x << endl;
//All the character literals and string literals described above are made of characters of type char
//u char16_t
//U char32_t
//L wchar_t
//u8 The string literal is encoded in the executable using UTF-8
//R The string literal is a raw string
string ss = R"(string with \backslash)";
string sss = "(string with \backslash)";
cout << ss << endl;
cout << sss << endl;
//c++已经存在三个字面量 true false nullptr
cout << "bool" << sizeof(bool) << " sizeof nullptr" << sizeof(nullptr)
<< endl;
bool footrue = true;
bool foofalse = false;
int* p = nullptr;
cout << footrue << endl;
cout << foofalse << endl;
//&p p的地址
//*p p指向内存的内容
//p p这块内存中的值
cout << p << endl;
cout << "&p " << &p << endl;
int** pp = &p;
cout << pp << endl;
//根据文档的描述 c++内置三个字面量 true,false nullptr
cout << (false == nullptr) << endl;
int ci;
float cf = 3.14;
//继承自 c
ci = (int) cf;
//c++ style
ci = int(cf);
//The value returned by sizeof is a compile-time constant, so it is always determined before program execution.
string mystr("123465 456 79");
int myint;
stringstream sin(mystr);
string mystr2;
while (sin >> myint)
cout << myint << " ";
cout << endl;
getline(stringstream(mystr), mystr2);
return 0;



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