linux 扩展文件系统
1. 创建新分区
- [root@localhost ~]# fdisk -l
- Disk /dev/sda: 32.2 GB, bytes, sectors
- Units = sectors of * = bytes
- Sector size (logical/physical): bytes / bytes
- I/O size (minimum/optimal): bytes / bytes
- Disk label type: dos
- Disk identifier: 0x000a8293
- Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
- /dev/sda1 * Linux
- /dev/sda2 8e Linux LVM
- Disk /dev/mapper/cl-root: MB, bytes, sectors
- Units = sectors of * = bytes
- Sector size (logical/physical): bytes / bytes
- I/O size (minimum/optimal): bytes / bytes
- Disk /dev/mapper/cl-swap: MB, bytes, sectors
- Units = sectors of * = bytes
- Sector size (logical/physical): bytes / bytes
- I/O size (minimum/optimal): bytes / bytes
- [root@localhost ~]# fdisk /dev/sda
- Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.).
- Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
- Be careful before using the write command.
- Command (m for help): n
- Partition type:
- p primary ( primary, extended, free)
- e extended
- Select (default p): p
- Partition number (,, default ):
- First sector (-, default ):
- Using default value
- Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (-, default ): +2G
- Partition of type Linux and of size GiB is set
- Command (m for help): p
- Disk /dev/sda: 32.2 GB, bytes, sectors
- Units = sectors of * = bytes
- Sector size (logical/physical): bytes / bytes
- I/O size (minimum/optimal): bytes / bytes
- Disk label type: dos
- Disk identifier: 0x000a8293
- Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
- /dev/sda1 * Linux
- /dev/sda2 8e Linux LVM
- /dev/sda3 Linux
- Command (m for help): t # 修改文件系统类型
- Partition number (-, default ):
- Hex code (type L to list all codes): 8e
- Changed type of partition 'Linux' to 'Linux LVM'
- Command (m for help): p
- Disk /dev/sda: 32.2 GB, bytes, sectors
- Units = sectors of * = bytes
- Sector size (logical/physical): bytes / bytes
- I/O size (minimum/optimal): bytes / bytes
- Disk label type: dos
- Disk identifier: 0x000a8293
- Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
- /dev/sda1 * Linux
- /dev/sda2 8e Linux LVM
- /dev/sda3 8e Linux LVM
- Command (m for help): w
- The partition table has been altered!
2. partprobe
- [root@localhost named]# partprobe
3. 创建 pv
- [root@localhost ~]# pvcreate /dev/sda3
- Physical volume "/dev/sda3" successfully created.
- [root@localhost ~]# pvdisplay
- --- Physical volume ---
- PV Name /dev/sda2
- VG Name cl
- PV Size 9.80 GiB / not usable 3.00 MiB
- Allocatable yes (but full)
- PE Size 4.00 MiB
- Total PE
- Free PE
- Allocated PE
- PV UUID vBCY0m-syaR-HKNJ-FNlW-G7Ql-2eru-4ccPC6
- "/dev/sda3" is a new physical volume of "2.00 GiB"
- --- NEW Physical volume ---
- PV Name /dev/sda3
- VG Name
- PV Size 2.00 GiB
- Allocatable NO
- PE Size
- Total PE
- Free PE
- Allocated PE
- PV UUID kRvof2-gzMz-raeu-njD7-vujG-N45B-yJemBd
4. 将 pv 添加到 vg
- [root@localhost ~]# vgextend cl /dev/sda3
- Volume group "cl" successfully extended
- [root@localhost ~]# vgs
- VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
- cl wz--n- .80g .00g
- [root@localhost ~]# pvs
- PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
- /dev/sda2 cl lvm2 a-- .80g
- /dev/sda3 cl lvm2 a-- .00g .00g
5. 扩展 lv
- [root@localhost ~]# lvextend /dev/cl/root /dev/sda3
- Size of logical volume cl/root changed from 7.80 GiB ( extents) to 9.80 GiB ( extents).
- Logical volume cl/root successfully resized.
6. 扩展文件系统的逻辑边界
- [root@localhost ~]# xfs_growfs /dev/cl/root
- meta-data=/dev/mapper/cl-root isize= agcount=, agsize= blks
- = sectsz= attr=, projid32bit=
- = crc= finobt= spinodes=
- data = bsize= blocks=, imaxpct=
- = sunit= swidth= blks
- naming =version bsize= ascii-ci= ftype=
- log =internal bsize= blocks=, version=
- = sectsz= sunit= blks, lazy-count=
- realtime =none extsz= blocks=, rtextents=
- data blocks changed from to
- [root@localhost ~]# df -h
- Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- /dev/mapper/cl-root .8G 1021M .8G % /
- devtmpfs .9G .9G % /dev
- tmpfs .9G .9G % /dev/shm
- tmpfs .9G 8.6M .9G % /run
- tmpfs .9G .9G % /sys/fs/cgroup
- /dev/sda1 197M 117M 81M % /boot
- tmpfs 378M 378M % /run/user/
- [root@localhost ~]#
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