Task: Indoor Positioning with WiFi Signals
You are hired by a company to design an indoor localization system using WiFi data. The
scenario has five locations as depicted below.
Figure 1: Localization scenario
There are three WiFi access points in the area: WiFi A, B, and C (but you don’t know their
location). The only information you have is their received signal strength (RSS), which was
collected in the following manner:
- A person went to Location 1 with a smartphone and performed fifteen scans. Each scan
contains the RSS of the three access points. The person then went to Locations 2 to 5
and repeated the process, i.e. the person performed fifteen scans at each location.
The collected data is in the attached table.

Your task. With the provided information, write a program where the input is a new scan and
the output is the probability of being on each location. For example, if we provide you with an
input <rssA
, rssB
, rssC>=<-79, -88, -71>, you will need to provide as output a vector <p1
, p2
, p3
, p5>, where pi
is the probability of being in location i. Try to get the best localization
accuracy, this is real data in a real location!
- To solve the problem, you can use any programming language (or combination of
programming languages for visualization, data processing, etc). Show off your
programming skills! Send us precise instructions to run your code on our laptops (the
code should run on any OS: MAC, Windows or Linux). If you develop a Web App, make
sure it runs on Chrome or Firefox. Your code should show an initial GUI to enter a new
scan and as a final outcome, a GUI showing the location probabilities of each cell.
- Code with instructions to run it.
- A report (maximum 1 page), explaining your method, your results and citing any sources
you build upon (code and/or research papers).

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com


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