A Low Memory report differs from other crash reports in that there are no backtraces in this type of report. When a low memory crash happens, you must investigate your memory usage patterns and your responses to low memory warnings. This document points to you several memory management references that you might find useful.
内存低的崩溃日志,有一个进程表,列有几种原因。如果没有,可能就不是内存低导致的崩溃,请使用VM Tracker工具来检查。
[per-process-limit]: The process crossed its system-imposed memory limit. Per-process limits on resident memory are established by the system for all applications. Crossing this limit makes the process eligible for termination.
Note: Extensions have much lower per-process memory limit. Certain technologies, such as map views and SpriteKit, carry a high baseline memory cost and may be unsuitable for use in an extension.
[vm-pageshortage]/[vm-thrashing]/[vm]: The process was killed due to memory pressure.
[vnode-limit]: Too many files are open.
Note: The system avoids killing the frontmost app when vnodes are nearly exhausted. This means that your application, when in the background, may be terminated even if it is not the source of excess vnode usage.
[highwater]: A system daemon crossed its high water mark for memory usage.
[jettisoned]: The process was jettisoned for some other reason.
xcrun dsymutil -symbol-map
xcrun dsymutil -symbol-map ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-11-23/MyGreatApp\ 11-23-17\,\ 12.00\ PM.xcarchive/BCSymbolMaps ~/Downloads/dSYMs/3B15C133-88AA-35B0-B8BA-84AF76826CE0.dSYM |
1. APP二进制文件和dSYM
2. 自定义的framework对应的二进制与dSYM
3. 与APP崩溃是的运行OS对应的符号,符号表是与OS相关的。
The binaries and
files for all custom frameworks that the application links against. For frameworks that were built from source with the application, theirdSYM
files are copied into the archive alongside the application'sdSYM
file. For frameworks that were built by a third-party, you will need to ask the author for thedSYM
Symbolicating Crash Reports With atos
The atos command converts numeric addresses to their symbolic equivalents. If full debug symbol information is available then the output of
will include file name and source line number information. Theatos
command can be used to symbolicate individual addresses in the backtrace of an unsymbolicated, or partially symbolicated, crash report. To symbolicate a part of a crash report usingatos
根据Binary Image的UUID找到对应的dSYM
1. 在崩溃日志里面,使用命令行快速找到UUID这一行。
$ grep --after-context= "Binary Images:" <Path to Crash Report> | grep <Binary Name>
). 全部为大写字母。
3. 使用mfind寻找dSYM文件,其中格式是包括尖括号的
$ mdfind "com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids == <UUID>"
如果找不到对应的dSYM文件,检查是否下载对了文件。使用命令行查看Binary Image的UUID
xcrun dwarfdump --uuid <Path to dSYM file>
1. 打开xcode
2. 获取APP
ljydeMacBook-Pro:~ admin$ cd /Users/admin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/rcpi-hcfcbslblbqkydeyajzrmaoddwou/Bui ld/Products/Debug-iphoneos
ljydeMacBook-Pro:Debug-iphoneos admin$ ls
ProtocolBuffers.framework cwf.framework iwf.framework.dSYM xxx.app
ProtocolBuffers.framework.dSYM iwf.framework libjscocos2d iOS.a xxx.swiftmodule
3. 确定版本, 找到你的应用XXX.app文件 通过应用“终端、Terminal” 查看其UUID
在命令行输入“dwarfdump --uuid XXX.app/XXX”
直接在终端中输入以下命令“atos -o XXX.app/XXX -arch arm64 xxxxxxxx ”
ljydeMacBook-Pro:Debug-iphoneos admin$ atos -o rcpi.app/rcpi -arch arm64 0x0000000100e57fb0 0x0000000100e7e374 0x0000000100e7da38 0x0000000100e7b1d8
tx_ABGRToUVRow_C (in rcpi) +
-[TXLiveBeauty addBeautyTarget] (in rcpi) +
txrtmp_soundtouch::TDStretch::seekBestOverlapPositionQuick(short const*) (in rcpi) +
-[TXLivePushSingleton createPixelBufferAt:width:height:pixelFormatType:] (in rcpi) +
- 利用.dSYM跟.app文件准确定位Crash位置
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最近发现经常有人程序崩掉后不知道怎么定位crash的位置 如何快速定位crash的位置? 选择右箭头 选择Add Exception Breakpoint 这样如果你的app再crash就会自动定位到 ...
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https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2151/_index.html 错误分析是基于设备中的crash log 与 编译文件时生成的 ...
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