给出导弹的高度 拦截的导弹会比上一次低 至少要几套拦截系统才能防御所有导弹

求一套系统能防御的最大导弹数: 反向LIS

Sample Input
8 389 207 155 300 299 170 158 65

Sample Output

 # include <iostream>
# include <cstdio>
# include <cstring>
# include <algorithm>
# include <cmath>
# define LL long long
using namespace std ; int a[] ;
int f[] ;
//int dp[100010] ;
int n ; int bsearch(int size, const int &a) {
int l=, r=size-;
while( l <= r ){
int mid = (l+r)/;
if( a > f[mid-] && a <= f[mid] ) return mid;// >&&<= 换为: >= && <
else if( a < f[mid] ) r = mid-;
else l = mid+;
} int LIS()
int i, j, size = ;
f[] = a[];
//dp[0] = 1;
for( i=; i < n; ++i )
if( a[i] <= f[] ) j = ; // <= 换为: <
else if( a[i] > f[size-] ) j = size++;// > 换为: >=
else j = bsearch(size, a[i]);
f[j] = a[i];
//dp[i] = j+1;
return size;
} int main ()
//freopen("in.txt","r",stdin) ;
while(scanf("%d" , &n) !=EOF)
int i ;
for (i = ; i < n ; i++)
scanf("%d" , &a[i]) ;
printf("%d\n" , LIS()) ; // 求最大递增/上升子序列(如果为最大非降子序列,只需把上面的注释部分给与替换)
} return ;

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