


from __future__ import division
from numpy.random import randn
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('figure', figsize=(10, 6))
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import pandas as pd


1.1 CSV与TXT读取

!cat data1.csv
df = pd.read_csv('data1.csv')
a b c d message
0 1 2 3 4 hello
1 5 6 7 8 world
2 9 10 11 12 foo
pd.read_table('data1.csv', sep=',')
a b c d message
0 1 2 3 4 hello
1 5 6 7 8 world
2 9 10 11 12 foo
!cat data2.csv
pd.read_csv('data2.csv', header=None)
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 hello
1 5 6 7 8 world
2 9 10 11 12 foo
pd.read_csv('data2.csv', names=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'message'])
a b c d message
0 1 2 3 4 hello
1 5 6 7 8 world
2 9 10 11 12 foo
names = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'message']
pd.read_csv('data2.csv', names=names, index_col='message')
a b c d
hello 1 2 3 4
world 5 6 7 8
foo 9 10 11 12
!cat csv_mindex.csv
parsed = pd.read_csv('csv_mindex.csv', index_col=['key1', 'key2'])
value1 value2
key1 key2
one a 1 2
b 3 4
c 5 6
d 7 8
two a 9 10
b 11 12
c 13 14
d 15 16
['            A         B         C\n',
'aaa -0.264438 -1.026059 -0.619500\n',
'bbb 0.927272 0.302904 -0.032399\n',
'ccc -0.264273 -0.386314 -0.217601\n',
'ddd -0.871858 -0.348382 1.100491\n']
result = pd.read_table('data3.txt', sep='\s+')
aaa -0.264438 -1.026059 -0.619500
bbb 0.927272 0.302904 -0.032399
ccc -0.264273 -0.386314 -0.217601
ddd -0.871858 -0.348382 1.100491
!cat data4.csv
pd.read_csv('data4.csv', skiprows=[0, 2, 3])
# hey!
# just wanted to make things more difficult for you
# who reads CSV files with computers, anyway?
a b c d message
0 1 2 3 4 hello
1 5 6 7 8 world
2 9 10 11 12 foo
!cat data5.csv
result = pd.read_csv('data5.csv')
something a b c d message
0 False False False False False True
1 False False False True False False
2 False False False False False False
result = pd.read_csv('data5.csv', na_values=['NULL'])
something a b c d message
0 one 1 2 3.0 4 NaN
1 two 5 6 NaN 8 world
2 three 9 10 11.0 12 foo
sentinels = {'message': ['foo', 'NA'], 'something': ['two']}
pd.read_csv('data5.csv', na_values=sentinels)
something a b c d message
0 one 1 2 3.0 4 NaN
1 NaN 5 6 NaN 8 world
2 three 9 10 11.0 12 NaN

1.2 分片/块读取文本数据

result = pd.read_csv('data6.csv')
one two three four key
0 0.467976 -0.038649 -0.295344 -1.824726 L
1 -0.358893 1.404453 0.704965 -0.200638 B
2 -0.501840 0.659254 -0.421691 -0.057688 G
3 0.204886 1.074134 1.388361 -0.982404 R
4 0.354628 -0.133116 0.283763 -0.837063 Q
5 1.817480 0.742273 0.419395 -2.251035 Q
6 -0.776764 0.935518 -0.332872 -1.875641 U
7 -0.913135 1.530624 -0.572657 0.477252 K
8 0.358480 -0.497572 -0.367016 0.507702 S
9 -1.740877 -1.160417 -1.637830 2.172201 G
10 0.240564 -0.328249 1.252155 1.072796 8
11 0.764018 1.165476 -0.639544 1.495258 R
12 0.571035 -0.310537 0.582437 -0.298765 1
13 2.317658 0.430710 -1.334216 0.199679 P
14 1.547771 -1.119753 -2.277634 0.329586 J
15 -1.310608 0.401719 -1.000987 1.156708 E
16 -0.088496 0.634712 0.153324 0.415335 B
17 -0.018663 -0.247487 -1.446522 0.750938 A
18 -0.070127 -1.579097 0.120892 0.671432 F
19 -0.194678 -0.492039 2.359605 0.319810 H
20 -0.248618 0.868707 -0.492226 -0.717959 W
21 -1.091549 -0.867110 -0.647760 -0.832562 C
22 0.641404 -0.138822 -0.621963 -0.284839 C
23 1.216408 0.992687 0.165162 -0.069619 V
24 -0.564474 0.792832 0.747053 0.571675 I
25 1.759879 -0.515666 -0.230481 1.362317 S
26 0.126266 0.309281 0.382820 -0.239199 L
27 1.334360 -0.100152 -0.840731 -0.643967 6
28 -0.737620 0.278087 -0.053235 -0.950972 J
29 -1.148486 -0.986292 -0.144963 0.124362 Y
... ... ... ... ... ...
9970 0.633495 -0.186524 0.927627 0.143164 4
9971 0.308636 -0.112857 0.762842 -1.072977 1
9972 -1.627051 -0.978151 0.154745 -1.229037 Z
9973 0.314847 0.097989 0.199608 0.955193 P
9974 1.666907 0.992005 0.496128 -0.686391 S
9975 0.010603 0.708540 -1.258711 0.226541 K
9976 0.118693 -0.714455 -0.501342 -0.254764 K
9977 0.302616 -2.011527 -0.628085 0.768827 H
9978 -0.098572 1.769086 -0.215027 -0.053076 A
9979 -0.019058 1.964994 0.738538 -0.883776 F
9980 -0.595349 0.001781 -1.423355 -1.458477 M
9981 1.392170 -1.396560 -1.425306 -0.847535 H
9982 -0.896029 -0.152287 1.924483 0.365184 6
9983 -2.274642 -0.901874 1.500352 0.996541 N
9984 -0.301898 1.019906 1.102160 2.624526 I
9985 -2.548389 -0.585374 1.496201 -0.718815 D
9986 -0.064588 0.759292 -1.568415 -0.420933 E
9987 -0.143365 -1.111760 -1.815581 0.435274 2
9988 -0.070412 -1.055921 0.338017 -0.440763 X
9989 0.649148 0.994273 -1.384227 0.485120 Q
9990 -0.370769 0.404356 -1.051628 -1.050899 8
9991 -0.409980 0.155627 -0.818990 1.277350 W
9992 0.301214 -1.111203 0.668258 0.671922 A
9993 1.821117 0.416445 0.173874 0.505118 X
9994 0.068804 1.322759 0.802346 0.223618 H
9995 2.311896 -0.417070 -1.409599 -0.515821 L
9996 -0.479893 -0.650419 0.745152 -0.646038 E
9997 0.523331 0.787112 0.486066 1.093156 K
9998 -0.362559 0.598894 -1.843201 0.887292 G
9999 -0.096376 -1.012999 -0.657431 -0.573315 0

10000 rows × 5 columns

pd.read_csv('data6.csv', nrows=5)
one two three four key
0 0.467976 -0.038649 -0.295344 -1.824726 L
1 -0.358893 1.404453 0.704965 -0.200638 B
2 -0.501840 0.659254 -0.421691 -0.057688 G
3 0.204886 1.074134 1.388361 -0.982404 R
4 0.354628 -0.133116 0.283763 -0.837063 Q
chunker = pd.read_csv('data6.csv', chunksize=100)
<pandas.io.parsers.TextFileReader at 0x10d3b5950>
chunker = pd.read_csv('data6.csv', chunksize=100)

tot = Series([])
for piece in chunker:
tot = tot.add(piece['key'].value_counts(), fill_value=0) tot = tot.order(ascending=False)
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:7: FutureWarning: order is deprecated, use sort_values(...)
E    368.0
X 364.0
L 346.0
O 343.0
Q 340.0
M 338.0
J 337.0
F 335.0
K 334.0
H 330.0
dtype: float64

1.3 把数据写入文本格式

data = pd.read_csv('data5.csv')
something a b c d message
0 one 1 2 3.0 4 NaN
1 two 5 6 NaN 8 world
2 three 9 10 11.0 12 foo
!cat out.csv
data.to_csv(sys.stdout, sep='|')
data.to_csv(sys.stdout, na_rep='NULL')
data.to_csv(sys.stdout, index=False, header=False)
data.to_csv(sys.stdout, index=False, columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
dates = pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=7)
ts = Series(np.arange(7), index=dates)
!cat tseries.csv
Series.from_csv('tseries.csv', parse_dates=True)
2000-01-01    0
2000-01-02 1
2000-01-03 2
2000-01-04 3
2000-01-05 4
2000-01-06 5
2000-01-07 6
dtype: int64

1.4 手动读写数据(按要求)

!cat data7.csv
import csv
f = open('data7.csv') reader = csv.reader(f)
for line in reader:
['a', 'b', 'c']
['1', '2', '3']
['1', '2', '3', '4']
lines = list(csv.reader(open('data7.csv')))
header, values = lines[0], lines[1:]
data_dict = {h: v for h, v in zip(header, zip(*values))}
{'a': ('1', '1'), 'b': ('2', '2'), 'c': ('3', '3')}
class my_dialect(csv.Dialect):
lineterminator = '\n'
delimiter = ';'
quotechar = '"'
quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL
with open('mydata.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, dialect=my_dialect)
writer.writerow(('one', 'two', 'three'))
writer.writerow(('1', '2', '3'))
writer.writerow(('4', '5', '6'))
writer.writerow(('7', '8', '9'))
%cat mydata.csv

1.5 JSON格式的数据

obj = \
{"姓名": "张三",
"住处": ["天朝", "挖煤国", "万恶的资本主义日不落帝国"],
"宠物": null,
"兄弟": [{"姓名": "李四", "年龄": 25, "宠物": "汪星人"},
{"姓名": "王五", "年龄": 23, "宠物": "喵星人"}]
import json
result = json.loads(obj)
{u'\u4f4f\u5904': [u'\u5929\u671d',
u'\u5144\u5f1f': [{u'\u59d3\u540d': u'\u674e\u56db',
u'\u5ba0\u7269': u'\u6c6a\u661f\u4eba',
u'\u5e74\u9f84': 25},
{u'\u59d3\u540d': u'\u738b\u4e94',
u'\u5ba0\u7269': u'\u55b5\u661f\u4eba',
u'\u5e74\u9f84': 23}],
u'\u59d3\u540d': u'\u5f20\u4e09',
u'\u5ba0\u7269': None}
print json.dumps(result, encoding="UTF-8", ensure_ascii=False)
{"兄弟": [{"年龄": 25, "宠物": "汪星人", "姓名": "李四"}, {"年龄": 23, "宠物": "喵星人", "姓名": "王五"}], "住处": ["天朝", "挖煤国", "万恶的资本主义日不落帝国"], "宠物": null, "姓名": "张三"}
{u'\u59d3\u540d': u'\u674e\u56db',
u'\u5ba0\u7269': u'\u6c6a\u661f\u4eba',
u'\u5e74\u9f84': 25}
print json.dumps(result[u"兄弟"][0], encoding="UTF-8", ensure_ascii=False)
{"年龄": 25, "宠物": "汪星人", "姓名": "李四"}
asjson = json.dumps(result)
brothers = DataFrame(result[u'兄弟'], columns=[u'姓名', u'年龄'])
姓名 年龄
0 李四 25
1 王五 23

1.6 人人都爱爬虫,人人都要解析XML 和 HTML

from lxml.html import parse
from urllib2 import urlopen parsed = parse(urlopen('https://ask.julyedu.com/')) doc = parsed.getroot()

<Element html at 0x1092ed100>
links = doc.findall('.//a')
[<Element a at 0x1091afcb0>,
<Element a at 0x1091afd08>,
<Element a at 0x1091afd60>,
<Element a at 0x1091afdb8>,
<Element a at 0x1091afe10>]
lnk = links[14]
print lnk.text_content()
urls = [lnk.get('href') for lnk in doc.findall('.//a')]
spans = doc.findall('.//span')
def _unpack(spans):
return [val.text_content() for val in spans]
contents = _unpack(spans)
for content in contents:
print content
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发起了问题 • 1 人关注 • 0 个回复 • 42 次浏览 • 6 天前 • 来自相关主题
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• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 44 次浏览 • 6 天前
• 来自相关主题
发起了问题 • 1 人关注 • 0 个回复 • 42 次浏览 • 2016-08-28 16:12 • 来自相关主题
发起了问题 • 1 人关注 • 0 个回复 • 42 次浏览 • 2016-08-28 15:47 • 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 4 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 530 次浏览 • 2016-08-28 14:48
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 3 个回复 • 911 次浏览 • 2016-08-27 19:18
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 39 人关注 • 82 个回复 • 3670 次浏览 • 2016-08-27 11:59
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 4 人关注 • 6 个回复 • 639 次浏览 • 2016-08-28 14:32
• 来自相关主题
发起了问题 • 1 人关注 • 0 个回复 • 77 次浏览 • 2016-08-25 14:13 • 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 274 次浏览 • 2016-08-25 10:37
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 1 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 48 次浏览 • 2016-08-24 17:20
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 11 人关注 • 14 个回复 • 1052 次浏览 • 2016-08-24 10:01
• 来自相关主题
发起了问题 • 2 人关注 • 0 个回复 • 76 次浏览 • 2016-08-23 15:16 • 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 62 次浏览 • 2016-08-22 21:51
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 2 个回复 • 584 次浏览 • 2016-08-22 12:26
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 1 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 78 次浏览 • 2016-08-21 18:57
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 62 次浏览 • 2016-08-21 18:25
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 105 次浏览 • 2016-08-21 15:17
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 3 人关注 • 2 个回复 • 749 次浏览 • 2016-08-21 11:16
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 5 人关注 • 4 个回复 • 434 次浏览 • 2016-08-19 16:07
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 69 次浏览 • 2016-08-19 15:55
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 1 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 108 次浏览 • 2016-08-19 14:48
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 168 次浏览 • 2016-08-19 14:54
• 来自相关主题
发起了问题 • 1 人关注 • 0 个回复 • 79 次浏览 • 2016-08-19 10:59 • 来自相关主题
发起了问题 • 1 人关注 • 0 个回复 • 96 次浏览 • 2016-08-18 19:04 • 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 9 人关注 • 5 个回复 • 864 次浏览 • 2016-08-18 18:41
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 3 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 1005 次浏览 • 2016-08-18 14:01
• 来自相关主题
回复了问题 • 7 人关注 • 12 个回复 • 619 次浏览 • 2016-08-18 12:05
• 来自相关主题 python leetcode 返回顶部 var cnzz_protocol = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? " https://" : " http://");document.write(unescape("%3Cspan id='cnzz_stat_icon_1259748782'%3E%3C/span%3E%3Cscript src='" + cnzz_protocol + "s11.cnzz.com/z_stat.php%3Fid%3D1259748782%26show%3Dpic' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
questions = doc.findall('.//h4')
contents = _unpack(questions)
for content in contents:
print content





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1.7 解析XML

!head -21 Performance_MNR.xml
from lxml import objectify

path = 'Performance_MNR.xml'
parsed = objectify.parse(open(path))
root = parsed.getroot()
data = []

skip_fields = ['PARENT_SEQ', 'INDICATOR_SEQ',
el_data = {}
for child in elt.getchildren():
if child.tag in skip_fields:
el_data[child.tag] = child.pyval
perf = DataFrame(data)
0 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 95 1 2008 96.9 95
1 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95 95 2 2008 96 95
2 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 95 3 2008 96.3 95
3 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 98.3 95 4 2008 96.8 95
4 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95.8 95 5 2008 96.6 95
5 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 94.4 95 6 2008 96.2 95
6 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96 95 7 2008 96.2 95
7 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.4 95 8 2008 96.2 95
8 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 93.7 95 9 2008 95.9 95
9 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.4 95 10 2008 96 95
10 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 95 11 2008 96.1 95
11 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95.1 95 12 2008 96 95
12 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 92.6 96.2 1 2009 92.6 96.2
13 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.8 96.2 2 2009 94.6 96.2
14 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 96.2 3 2009 95.4 96.2
15 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.1 96.2 4 2009 95.9 96.2
16 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.8 96.2 5 2009 96.2 96.2
17 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.3 96.2 6 2009 96.4 96.2
18 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.7 96.2 7 2009 96.5 96.2
19 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95.7 96.2 8 2009 96.4 96.2
20 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.1 96.2 9 2009 96.3 96.2
21 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 94.8 96.2 10 2009 96.2 96.2
22 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95.7 96.2 11 2009 96.1 96.2
23 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95 96.2 12 2009 96 96.2
24 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 98 96.3 1 2010 98 96.3
25 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 93 96.3 2 2010 95.6 96.3
26 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 96.3 3 2010 96.1 96.3
27 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 98.1 96.3 4 2010 96.6 96.3
28 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.6 96.3 5 2010 96.8 96.3
29 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.4 96.3 6 2010 96.9 96.3
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
618 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 94 7 2009 95.14
619 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 8 2009 95.38
620 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 98.3 9 2009 95.7
621 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 98.7 10 2009 96
622 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 98.1 11 2009 96.21
623 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 12 2009 96.5
624 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97.95 97 1 2010 97.95 97
625 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 2 2010 98.92 97
626 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 3 2010 99.29 97
627 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 4 2010 99.47 97
628 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 5 2010 99.58 97
629 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 91.21 97 6 2010 98.19 97
630 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 7 2010 98.46 97
631 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 8 2010 98.69 97
632 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 95.2 97 9 2010 98.3 97
633 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 90.91 97 10 2010 97.55 97
634 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 96.67 97 11 2010 97.47 97
635 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 90.03 97 12 2010 96.84 97
636 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 1 2011 100 97
637 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 2 2011 100 97
638 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97.07 97 3 2011 98.86 97
639 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 98.18 97 4 2011 98.76 97
640 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 79.18 97 5 2011 90.91 97
641 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 6 2011 97
642 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 7 2011 97
643 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 8 2011 97
644 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 9 2011 97
645 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 10 2011 97
646 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 11 2011 97
647 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 12 2011 97

648 rows × 12 columns

<Element PERFORMANCE at 0x108a0f290>


frame = pd.read_csv('data1.csv')
a b c d message
0 1 2 3 4 hello
1 5 6 7 8 world
2 9 10 11 12 foo


store = pd.HDFStore('mydata.h5')
store['obj1'] = frame
store['obj1_col'] = frame['a']
<class 'pandas.io.pytables.HDFStore'>
File path: mydata.h5
/obj1 frame (shape->[3,5])
/obj1_col series (shape->[3])


import requests
url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/pydata/pandas/milestones/28/labels'
resp = requests.get(url)
<Response [200]>
[{'AGENCY_NAME': 'Metro-North Railroad',
'CATEGORY': 'Service Indicators',
'DESCRIPTION': 'Percent of commuter trains that arrive at their destinations within 5 minutes and 59 seconds of the scheduled time. West of Hudson services include the Pascack Valley and Port Jervis lines. Metro-North Railroad contracts with New Jersey Transit to operate service on these lines.\n',
'INDICATOR_NAME': 'On-Time Performance (West of Hudson)',
'PERIOD_YEAR': 2008,
'YTD_ACTUAL': 96.9,
'YTD_TARGET': 95.0},
{'AGENCY_NAME': 'Metro-North Railroad',
'CATEGORY': 'Service Indicators',
'DESCRIPTION': 'Percent of commuter trains that arrive at their destinations within 5 minutes and 59 seconds of the scheduled time. West of Hudson services include the Pascack Valley and Port Jervis lines. Metro-North Railroad contracts with New Jersey Transit to operate service on these lines.\n',
'INDICATOR_NAME': 'On-Time Performance (West of Hudson)',
'PERIOD_YEAR': 2008,
'YTD_ACTUAL': 96.0,
'YTD_TARGET': 95.0},
{'AGENCY_NAME': 'Metro-North Railroad',
'CATEGORY': 'Service Indicators',
'DESCRIPTION': 'Percent of commuter trains that arrive at their destinations within 5 minutes and 59 seconds of the scheduled time. West of Hudson services include the Pascack Valley and Port Jervis lines. Metro-North Railroad contracts with New Jersey Transit to operate service on these lines.\n',
'INDICATOR_NAME': 'On-Time Performance (West of Hudson)',
'PERIOD_YEAR': 2008,
'YTD_ACTUAL': 96.3,
'YTD_TARGET': 95.0},
{'AGENCY_NAME': 'Metro-North Railroad',
'CATEGORY': 'Service Indicators',
'DESCRIPTION': 'Percent of commuter trains that arrive at their destinations within 5 minutes and 59 seconds of the scheduled time. West of Hudson services include the Pascack Valley and Port Jervis lines. Metro-North Railroad contracts with New Jersey Transit to operate service on these lines.\n',
'INDICATOR_NAME': 'On-Time Performance (West of Hudson)',
'PERIOD_YEAR': 2008,
'YTD_ACTUAL': 96.8,
'YTD_TARGET': 95.0},
{'AGENCY_NAME': 'Metro-North Railroad',
'CATEGORY': 'Service Indicators',
'DESCRIPTION': 'Percent of commuter trains that arrive at their destinations within 5 minutes and 59 seconds of the scheduled time. West of Hudson services include the Pascack Valley and Port Jervis lines. Metro-North Railroad contracts with New Jersey Transit to operate service on these lines.\n',
'INDICATOR_NAME': 'On-Time Performance (West of Hudson)',
'PERIOD_YEAR': 2008,
'YTD_ACTUAL': 96.6,
'YTD_TARGET': 95.0}]
issue_labels = DataFrame(data)
0 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 95 1 2008 96.9 95
1 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95 95 2 2008 96 95
2 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 95 3 2008 96.3 95
3 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 98.3 95 4 2008 96.8 95
4 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95.8 95 5 2008 96.6 95
5 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 94.4 95 6 2008 96.2 95
6 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96 95 7 2008 96.2 95
7 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.4 95 8 2008 96.2 95
8 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 93.7 95 9 2008 95.9 95
9 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.4 95 10 2008 96 95
10 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 95 11 2008 96.1 95
11 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95.1 95 12 2008 96 95
12 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 92.6 96.2 1 2009 92.6 96.2
13 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.8 96.2 2 2009 94.6 96.2
14 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 96.2 3 2009 95.4 96.2
15 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.1 96.2 4 2009 95.9 96.2
16 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.8 96.2 5 2009 96.2 96.2
17 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.3 96.2 6 2009 96.4 96.2
18 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.7 96.2 7 2009 96.5 96.2
19 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95.7 96.2 8 2009 96.4 96.2
20 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.1 96.2 9 2009 96.3 96.2
21 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 94.8 96.2 10 2009 96.2 96.2
22 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95.7 96.2 11 2009 96.1 96.2
23 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 95 96.2 12 2009 96 96.2
24 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 98 96.3 1 2010 98 96.3
25 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 93 96.3 2 2010 95.6 96.3
26 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 96.9 96.3 3 2010 96.1 96.3
27 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 98.1 96.3 4 2010 96.6 96.3
28 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.6 96.3 5 2010 96.8 96.3
29 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of commuter trains that arrive at thei... M On-Time Performance (West of Hudson) % 97.4 96.3 6 2010 96.9 96.3
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
618 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 94 7 2009 95.14
619 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 8 2009 95.38
620 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 98.3 9 2009 95.7
621 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 98.7 10 2009 96
622 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 98.1 11 2009 96.21
623 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 12 2009 96.5
624 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97.95 97 1 2010 97.95 97
625 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 2 2010 98.92 97
626 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 3 2010 99.29 97
627 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 4 2010 99.47 97
628 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 5 2010 99.58 97
629 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 91.21 97 6 2010 98.19 97
630 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 7 2010 98.46 97
631 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 8 2010 98.69 97
632 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 95.2 97 9 2010 98.3 97
633 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 90.91 97 10 2010 97.55 97
634 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 96.67 97 11 2010 97.47 97
635 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 90.03 97 12 2010 96.84 97
636 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 1 2011 100 97
637 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 100 97 2 2011 100 97
638 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97.07 97 3 2011 98.86 97
639 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 98.18 97 4 2011 98.76 97
640 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 79.18 97 5 2011 90.91 97
641 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 6 2011 97
642 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 7 2011 97
643 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 8 2011 97
644 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 9 2011 97
645 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 10 2011 97
646 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 11 2011 97
647 Metro-North Railroad Service Indicators Percent of the time that escalators are operat... M Escalator Availability % 97 12 2011 97

648 rows × 12 columns


2.1 sqlite数据库

import sqlite3

query = """
(a VARCHAR(20), b VARCHAR(20),
);""" con = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
data = [('Atlanta', 'Georgia', 1.25, 6),
('Tallahassee', 'Florida', 2.6, 3),
('Sacramento', 'California', 1.7, 5)]
stmt = "INSERT INTO test VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)" con.executemany(stmt, data)
cursor = con.execute('select * from test')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
[(u'Atlanta', u'Georgia', 1.25, 6),
(u'Tallahassee', u'Florida', 2.6, 3),
(u'Sacramento', u'California', 1.7, 5)]
(('a', None, None, None, None, None, None),
('b', None, None, None, None, None, None),
('c', None, None, None, None, None, None),
('d', None, None, None, None, None, None))
DataFrame(rows, columns=zip(*cursor.description)[0])
a b c d
0 Atlanta Georgia 1.25 6
1 Tallahassee Florida 2.60 3
2 Sacramento California 1.70 5
import pandas.io.sql as sql
sql.read_sql('select * from test', con)
a b c d
0 Atlanta Georgia 1.25 6
1 Tallahassee Florida 2.60 3
2 Sacramento California 1.70 5

3.2 MySQL数据库

import MySQLdb conn= MySQLdb.connect(
port = 3306,
db ='test',
cur = conn.cursor() #创建数据表
#cur.execute("create table student(id int ,name varchar(20),class varchar(30),age varchar(10))") #插入一条数据
#cur.execute("insert into student values('2','Tom','3 year 2 class','9')") #修改查询条件的数据
#cur.execute("update student set class='3 year 1 class' where name = 'Tom'") #删除查询条件的数据
#cur.execute("delete from student where age='9'") cur.close()

3.3 Memcache

import memcache class MemcachedClient():
''' python memcached 客户端操作示例 ''' def __init__(self, hostList):
self.__mc = memcache.Client(hostList); def set(self, key, value):
result = self.__mc.set("name", "NieYong")
return result def get(self, key):
name = self.__mc.get("name")
return name def delete(self, key):
result = self.__mc.delete("name")
return result if __name__ == '__main__':
mc = MemcachedClient(["", ""])
key = "name"
result = mc.set(key, "NieYong")
print "set的结果:", result
name = mc.get(key)
print "get的结果:", name
result = mc.delete(key)
print "delete的结果:", result

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-39-51dc19a879b8> in <module>()
----> 2 import memcache
4 class MemcachedClient():
5 ''' python memcached 客户端操作示例 ''' ImportError: No module named memcache

3.4 MongoDB

import pymongo connection=pymongo.Connection('',27017) #选择myblog库
db=connection.myblog # 使用users集合
collection=db.users # 添加单条数据到集合中
user = {"name":"cui","age":"10"}
collection.insert(user) #同时添加多条数据到集合中
collection.insert(users) #查询单条记录
print collection.find_one() #查询所有记录
for data in collection.find():
print data #查询此集合中数据条数
print collection.count() #简单参数查询
for data in collection.find({"name":"1"}):
print data #使用find_one获取一条记录
print collection.find_one({"name":"1"}) #高级查询
print "__________________________________________"
print '''''collection.find({"age":{"$gt":"10"}})'''
print "__________________________________________"
for data in collection.find({"age":{"$gt":"10"}}).sort("age"):
print data # 查看db下的所有集合
print db.collection_names()


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    //录音 /// <summary> /// 初始化录音环境 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ...

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    SO_REUSEADDR选项 在上一篇文章的最后我们贴出了一个简单的C/S通信的例程.在该例程序中,使用"Ctrl+c"结束通信后,服务器是无法立即重启的,如果尝试重启服务器,将被 ...

  9. Shiro-集成Spring

    集成Spring 加入Spring 和Shiro的jar 包 配置Spring 及SpringMVC 参照:1.3.2\shiro-root-1.3.2-source-release\shiro-ro ...

  10. Javascript格式化json返回的时间(/Date(1482747413000)/)

    //时间处理,类似/Date(1482747413000)/的形式,得到xxx年xx月xx日 11:11:11 function ChangeDateFormat(jsondate) { jsonda ...