Plastic bottles are now an indispensable container in life. Plastic bottles will appear in all aspects of life. Plastic bottles are ubiquitous, many styles are diverse, but the invention of a plastic bottle can be said to be unique, that is, spray plastic bottle. Some items in the bottle are volatile, often open the bottle cap and cap when using, which will waste the volatilization of the contents of the bottle; put some solution into the container, do not use too much at a time, or need a large area when using In order to completely use the spray bottle. solve these problems.

The    Plastic Sprayers Manufacturer    stated that the design of the spray bottle is actually very simple, and the basic principle is the principle of pipe pumping. Mainly designed at the mouth of the bottle, that is, a bottle head is installed at the mouth of the bottle. The bottle head mainly relies on a wrench. The handle can trigger a small pump and then connect the pump to the plastic tube. The straw can draw the contents of the bottle from the bottom of the reservoir and can only be directed to a liquid or viscous emulsion. The pump then presses the liquid into the narrow chamber and ejects it from the orifice of the spray nozzle. The viscosity of the liquid determines the size of the nozzle and the thickness of the plastic tube.

In the design of a spray plastic bottle, the movable portion of the hydraulic pump is a piston that is located in a cylindrical hydraulic chamber. There is a small spring in the hydraulic chamber. In order to operate the hydraulic pump, the wrench should first be pulled back to push the piston into the hydraulic chamber. The moving piston compresses the spring and when the wrench is released, the piston is pushed back into place. The two strokes of the piston entering and leaving the hydraulic chamber form a complete pump cycle outside of the hydraulic chamber.

Ningbo RuiChang
Commodity Packaging Co , Ltd
   . is a professional    Plastic Sprayers
    and    Plastic Sprayers Supplier  
of plastic sprayers in China, from product development, mold design, material
selection, production and processing to “quality”. Efficient production of
industry-leading cost-effective cosmetic packaging. For more information visit:

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