思科启动了通过构建思科智能软件管理器门户来简化客户许可管理的计划。 它可以帮助客户了解他们购买的许可证以及他们使用的许可证。 其他各种思科产品已经启用Smart Enabled,随着此版本(我这里学习的版本是Release 8.5)的推出,Smart Licensing现在将在以下平台上提供:

  • Cisco 5520 WLC (AIR-CT5520-K9)

  • Cisco 8540 WLC (AIR-CT8540-K9)

  • Cisco vWLC (L-AIR-CTVM-5-K9)

  • Cisco 3504 WLC (AIR-CT3504-K9)

我们需要注册Smart Account,注册方式可以参考:How to Request a Smart Account

1、使用Smart Software licensing的限制

  • 如果您启用了思科智能许可证并且控制器已在思科智能帐户上注册,我们建议您执行以下步骤。

    • We recommend you to perform the following procedure if you have the Cisco Smart License enabled and the controller is registered on Cisco Smart Account.

      Perform this procedure before upgrading the controller's boot image.

      1. Deregister the controller running the old build from the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM).

      2. Upgrade the controller with new boot image.

      3. Reregister the upgraded controller with new build on Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM).

    • If you try to deregister the controller when CSSM is not reachable, the controller is deregistered internally. This results in a stale entry in CSSM. The workaround for this issue is that you must remove the stale entry from CSSM manually.

    • Token-id that is generated for Cisco 5520 or 8450 WLC cannot be used with Cisco vWLC.

    • Call-Home supports only HTTP and HTTPS mode of communication.

    • Call-Home does not support email mode of communication.

    • After the switch over to Smart Licensing mechanism some of the parameter reports, for example: runtime statistics will not be cumulative reports.

    • To create a new profile and avoid Smart Licensing transport mode from being disabled, ensure that the active profile is disabled using config call-home tac-profile status disable before creating the new profile.

    • Do not use a non-tac profile using call-home data reporting format as this will disable Smart Licensing service
    • There might be a difference in the timestamps when the WLC is in a different time zone, as the WLC is set to local time zone time, whereas the Smart License server is set to UTC time.
    • In a Smart License active HA pair, when the primary WLC stops functioning, and the standby WLC takes over as the new primary, and initiates a reboot. After reboot, the device losses its registration information. Manually registering the device with the Cisco Smart License Manager or rebooting and re-pairing the primary and stand-by devices helps resolve this issue.
    • On a Smart License active HA pair, any attempt to deregister before the switch over to active secondary from active primary is complete, and the renew message is sent, the deregistration process may fail
    • In a Smart License active HA pair, the stand-by device displays evaluation authorization state, this parameter gets updated to display the correct values after the switch over is complete and the WLC is the active controller
    • To free the license on the server in a situation, where the license mechanism is changed to Right To Use (RTU) from Smart Licensing, it is mandatory to manually deregister the device(要在许可证机制从智能许可更改为使用权限(RTU)的情况下释放服务器上的许可证,必须手动取消注册设备).

2、配置Cisco Smart Software Licensing

  • 开启Smart Software Licensing: config licensing smart-license dns-server ip-address

    • 注意:选择激活licensing机制需要重启设备!
  • 要在设备重新启动后注册或取消注册设备并保留设备注册状态,请输入以下命令: 

    license smart {register | deregister} idtoken

  • 查看licensing状态:show license {status | summary | udi | all}              
    • 注意:Smart License服务与控制器运行异步同步。 因此,在完成同步之前,在执行show命令时,将显示本地控制器信息,并且当下次调用show命令时,将显示来自Smart License的更新值。
  • Clear the Cisco Smart Software Licensing statistics:clear stats smart-lic

Smart License的更多相关文章

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  4. webstorm license key

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  5. Vertica license导入最佳实践

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