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  • 根据题目提示:This is reversing task. all you need is binary,可知此题实际上应归为reverse;
  • DIE查壳,发现为upx加壳,直接使用upx工具脱壳
  • Linux下运行该文件,发现关键字符串
  • IDA中shift+F12找到关键字符串,并双击关键字符串跳转到对应的函数,得到伪代码如下:
 int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
__int64 v3; // rax@1 puts("I will malloc() and strcpy the flag there. take it.", argv, envp);
LODWORD(v3) = malloc(100LL);
sub_400320(v3, flag);
return ;
  • 由提示I will malloc() and strcpy the flag there. take it.以及代码的流程,直接查看flag,得到字符串:UPX...? sounds like a delivery service :),提交检验正确,则flag即为 UPX...? sounds like a delivery service :) 事实上,shift+F12查找关键字符串时已经出现了flag 2017-2-7 20:54;45的更多相关文章

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  6. pwnable.kr第二天

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