1. 基数与序数
2. 数量级前缀
3. 与数量级前缀连用的常用单位
4. 数量的完整写法式例
5. 数学符号
6. 其他常用单位
7. 数字的用法
7.1 日期时间
7.2 楼层
7.3 年纪
7.4 年级
7.5 世纪
1. 基数与序数
字根 | 后缀 | Cardinal 基数 | 后缀 | Ordinal 序数 (形容词) | ||
1 | one | 1st | first | |||
2 | two | 2nd | second | |||
3 | three | 3rd | third | |||
4 | four | -th | 4th | fourth | ||
5 | five | veth | 5th | fifth | ||
6 | six | -th | 6th | sixth | ||
7 | seven | -th | 7th | seventh | ||
8 | eight | -h | 8th | eighth | ||
9 | nine | eth | 9th | ninth | ||
10 | ten | -th | 10th | tenth | ||
11 | eleven | -th | 11th | eleventh | ||
12 | twelve | veth | 12th | twelfth | ||
thir | -teen | 13 | thirteen | -th | 13th | thirteenth |
four | -teen | 14 | fourteen | -th | 14th | fourteenth |
five | vefteen | 15 | fifteen | -th | 15th | fifteenth |
six | -teen | 16 | sixteen | -th | 16th | sixteenth |
seven | -teen | 17 | seventeen | -th | 17th | seventeenth |
eight | -een | 18 | eighteen | -th | 18th | eighteenth |
nine | -teen | 19 | nineteen | -th | 19th | nineteenth |
20 | twenty | yieth | 20th | twentieth | ||
21 | twenty–one | 21st | twenty–first | |||
thir | -ty | 30 | thirty | yieth | 30th | thirtieth |
four | urrty | 31 | forty | yieth | 40th | fortieth |
five | vefty | 32 | fifty | yieth | 50th | fiftieth |
six | -ty | 33 | sixty | yieth | 60th | sixtieth |
seven | -ty | 34 | seventy | yieth | 70th | seventieth |
eight | -y | 35 | eighty | yieth | 80th | eightieth |
nine | -ty | 36 | ninety | yieth | 90th | ninetieth |
2. 数量级前缀
数量级 | 缩写 | 前缀 | 中文 | 字节 -byte | 重量 -gram | 长度 -metre |
1024 | Y | Yotta | 绕(它) | |||
1021 | Z | Zetta | 泽(它) | |||
1018 | E | Exa | 艾(可萨) | |||
1015 | P | Peta | 拍(它) | Petabyte | ||
1012 | T | Tera | 太(拉) | Terabyte | ||
109 | G | Giga | 吉(加) | Gigabyte | ||
106 | M | Mega | 兆 | Megabyte | ||
103 | k | kilo | 千 | kilobyte | kilogram | kilometre |
102 | h | hecta | 百 | |||
10 | da | deca | 十 | |||
个 | byte | gram | metre | |||
10-1 | d | deci | 分 | |||
10-2 | c | centi | 厘 | centiemetre | ||
10-3 | m | milli | 毫 | milligram | millimetre | |
10-6 | μ | micro | 微 | micrometre | ||
10-9 | n | nano | 纳(诺) | nanometre | ||
10-12 | p | pico | 皮(可) | |||
10-15 | f | femto | 飞(母托) | |||
10-18 | a | atto | 阿(托) | |||
10-21 | z | zepto | ||||
10-24 | y | yocto | 么(科托) |
3. 与数量级前缀连用的常用单位
类型 | 简称 | 英文 | 中文 | 备注 |
重量 | g | gram | 克 | |
重量 | lb. | pound | 磅 | 1lb.=0.454kg |
重量 | oz | ounce | 盎司 | 1 oz=31.1035g |
长度 | yd | yard | 码 | |
长度 | ft | foot | 英尺 | 1ft=12in=30.48cm |
长度 | in. | inch | 英寸 | |
容积 | gal | gallon | 加仑 | |
容积 | pint | 品脱 | ||
容积 | bu | bushel | 蒲式耳 | |
容积 | l | litre | 升 | |
面积 | sq.m | square meter | 平方米 | |
体积 | cu.m | cubic meter | 立方米 | |
容量 | b | byte | 字节 | |
长度 | m | metre | 米 | |
时间 | sec | second | 秒 | |
频率 | hz | hertz | 赫兹 | |
功率P | W | watt | 瓦特 | |
电压U | V | volt | 伏特 | |
电流I | A | ampere | 安培 | |
电阻R | Ω | Ohm | 欧姆 | |
热量 | cal | calorie | 卡路里 | |
热量 | joule | 焦儿 |
4. 数量的完整写法式例
375three hundred and seventy-five
8,021eight thousand and twenty-one
631,562six hundred and thirty-one thousand, five hundred and sixty-two
6.4six point four
0.8zero point eight
naught point eight
0.05(naught) point naught five
zero point zero five
百分数 Per cent
分数 Fractional Numerals
a quarter
one half
23/9Twenty-three over nine
5. 数学符号
*times / multiplied by倍/乘以
/divided by除以
%per cent 百分
√square root of平方根
½a half , one-half一半,一半
¼one quarter, one-fourth四分之一,四分之一
¾Three-quarters, three-fourths四分之三,四分之三
3²three squared三平方
5³five cubed五立方...
6. 其他常用单位
数量单位 | 简称 | 中文 |
piece | pc | 只,件,块 |
package | pkg | 件,包 |
pair | 双,对 | |
set | 台,套,架 | |
dozen | doz. | 打 |
gross | gr. | 罗 |
ream | rm | 令 |
roll | 卷 | |
unit | 件,辆 | |
head | 头 | |
barrel | 桶 | |
bag | 袋 | |
lot | 批 | |
bar | 条 | |
batch | 批 | |
bolt | 匹 | |
sheet | 张 | |
bunch | 串,束 | |
pile | 堆 | |
group | 组,套 | |
portion | 份 | |
set | 套 |
7. 数字的用法
7.1 日期时间
It is at six o’clock在6点钟
It is six o’clock现在6点
It’s five fifty-five.
It’s five to six
It’s six fifteen.
It’s fifteen past six.
英式的 日 月 年 (daymonthyear)
the 日of 月份年英式读发
the 7thof August1999
the 7thof August1999
美式的 月 日 年 (month dayyear)
August7, 1999',’区分日期和年的数字
7.2 楼层
on the 序数floor
on the secondfloor
7.3 年纪
He is twenty.
He is twenty years old.
7.4 年级
S beV in序数grade.
she is in second grade.
S beV ingrade数字.
she is in grade two.
S beV a序数grader.
she is a second grader.
7.5 世纪
in the 序数century
in the 20thcentury
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