Duha decided to have a trip to Singapore by plane.

The airplane had nn seats numbered from 11 to nn, and nn passengers including Duha which were also counted from 11 to nn. The passenger with number ii held the ticket corresponding to the seat with number ii, and Duha was the number 11 passenger.

All passengers got on the plane in the order of their numbers from 11 to nn. However, before they got on the plane Duha lost his ticket (and Duha was the only passenger who lost the ticket), so he could not take his seat correctly. He decided to take a seat randomly. And after that, while a passenger got on the plane and found that his/her seat has been occupied, he/she selected an empty seat randomly as well. A passenger except Duha selected the seat displayed in his/her ticket if it had not been occupied by someone else.

The first problem you are asked to calculate in this problem is the probability of the last passenger to get on the plane that took his/her correct seat.

Several days later, Duha finished his travel in Singapore, and he had a great time.

On the way back, he lost his ticket again. And at this time, the airplane had mm seats numbered from 11 to mm, and mm passengers including Duha which were also counted from 11 to mm. The passenger with number ii held the ticket corresponding to the seat with number ii, and Duha was the number 11 passenger as well.

The difference was that: all passengers got on the plane in a random order (which was any one of the mm! different orders with the same chance). Similarly, Duha or a passenger who found his/her seat had been occupied selected an empty seat randomly.

The second problem you are asked to calculate in this problem is the probability of the last passenger to get on the plane that took his/her right seat on the return trip.


The input contains several test cases, and the first line is a positive integer TT indicating the number of test cases which is up to 5050.

For each test case, a line contains two integers nn and m (1 \le n, m \le 50)m(1≤n,m≤50).


For each test case, output a line containing Case #x: y z, where xx is the test case number starting from 11, yy is the answer of the first problem, and zz is the answer of the second problem. Both of yy and zz are rounded to 66 places, and we guarantee that their 77-th places after the decimal point in the precise answer would not be 44 or 55.



2 3


Case #1: 0.500000 0.666667







using namespace std;
#define LL long long
#define MAXN 1000100
int main()
int t,n,m,p=1;
cout<<"Case #"<<p++<<": ";
cout<<"1.000000"<<' ';
cout<<"0.500000"<<' ';

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