Only do what your heart tells you.


My heart tells me that I should leave here and go back to Xi'An.

My heart tells me that I should pick another profession.

Let it be. I should go, but not now, I must prove I can do well in this field.

Can you give me some hope and some joy in life?

If you saturate your brain with positive thoughts, it will sustain you in any situation.


Most often we choose to give up in bad time just because we are defeated by negative thoughts about the future or the prospect. Maybe we can overcome the obstacles only if we can go a little further.

So, it is vitally important to saturate our brains with positive thoughts or positive energy when we are facing difficulties or when we are tackling with some tough tasks.

Remember you are what you think of.

Negative moods can be contagious, so we must be positive.

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