在spring boot项目中已经包含有json序列化的框架,具体在包com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation中,建议看看详细源码。





---- QueryModel ,包含20个字段,响应查询列表结果

---- DetailModel extend POJO , 包含所有字段,响应查询实体结果


---- POJO,包含所有字段



---- POJO,包含所有字段,响应查询列表和查询实体结果





这时候用到注解 @JsonIgnore,该注解既可以作用在字段上也可以作用在方法上(另外两种先不说),可以看看源码和注释:

package com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target; /**
* Marker annotation that indicates that the logical property that
* the accessor (field, getter/setter method or Creator parameter
* [of {@link JsonCreator}-annotated constructor or factory method])
* is to be ignored by introspection-based
* serialization and deserialization functionality.
* Annotation only needs to be added to one of the accessors (often
* getter method, but may be setter, field or creator parameter),
* if the complete removal of the property is desired.
* However: if only particular accessor is to be ignored (for example,
* when ignoring one of potentially conflicting setter methods),
* this can be done by annotating other not-to-be-ignored accessors
* with {@link JsonProperty} (or its equivalents). This is considered
* so-called "split property" case and allows definitions of
* "read-only" (read from input into POJO) and "write-only" (write
* in output but ignore on output)
* NOTE! As Jackson 2.6, there is a new and improved way to define
* `read-only` and `write-only` properties, using
* {@link JsonProperty#access()} annotation: this is recommended over
* use of separate <code>JsonIgnore</code> and {@link JsonProperty}
* annotations.
* For example, a "getter" method that would otherwise denote
* a property (like, say, "getValue" to suggest property "value")
* to serialize, would be ignored and no such property would
* be output unless another annotation defines alternative method to use.
* When ignoring the whole property, the default behavior if encountering
* such property in input is to ignore it without exception; but if there
* is a {@link JsonAnySetter} it will be called instead. Either way,
* no exception will be thrown.
* Annotation is usually used just a like a marker annotation, that
* is, without explicitly defining 'value' argument (which defaults
* to <code>true</code>): but argument can be explicitly defined.
* This can be done to override an existing `JsonIgnore` by explicitly
* defining one with 'false' argument: either in a sub-class, or by
* using "mix-in annotations".
@Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface JsonIgnore
* Optional argument that defines whether this annotation is active
* or not. The only use for value 'false' if for overriding purposes
* (which is not needed often); most likely it is needed for use
* with "mix-in annotations" (aka "annotation overrides").
* For most cases, however, default value of "true" is just fine
* and should be omitted.
boolean value() default true;

因此在使用的时候需要注意,如果只需要在查询的时候忽略,在保存的时候不忽略,那么需要在getter方法上注解@JsonIgnore,在setter方法上注解 @JsonProperty,(这时候如果使用的lombok就很尴尬了),举个例子:

public class TestEntity{private String name;

* getter
public String getName() {
return name;
} /**
* setter
public void setName(String name) {
this.name= name;

然后在sql上从select *改成select 指定字段,解决查询列表问题。


但从sql的角度上可以看出select 指定字段的时候,在反序列化到pojo的时候其他字段是没有值的,那么可以把方案换一下,让有值得字段序列化出去,没有值的不序列化


sql上从select *改成select 指定字段




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