openAI的比赛retro contest的一些细节设置(Detail)
2018年openAI公司搞了一个比赛retro contest,该比赛目的是为了在自家的库retro上测试迁移强化学习的性能,虽然这个比赛已经结束多年但是现在了解一些也是有一定益处的。
You are free to train your agent however you'd like, but we recommend using Sonic 1, 2, and 3 & Knuckles, which are available on Steam here:
刺猬索尼克1、刺猬索尼克2、刺猬索尼克3 (这三个游戏需要在steam上购买并下载,具体参看:如何使用Python环境下的2D经典游戏仿真器(openai推出的)retro库运行游戏"刺猬索尼克" (SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis) )
6 E5-2690v3 cores, 56GB of RAM, and a single K80 GPU
12 hours of time you should average ~43ms per timestep to get to 1 million timesteps within the limit
The environment runs at ~1000 frames per second for a single core with random agent, meaning 1ms per frame, or 4ms per timestep, leaving you 39ms for your processing.
由于在测试时也进行训练同时测试时动作选择也是需要计算的,而一个不需要计算和训练的random agent一秒钟大约会和环境交互1000次(1000帧),如果训练的话这1000帧画面就是1000/4=250 timestep,也就是4毫秒一个timestep,由此可以估算出不进行动作选择计算和训练的random agent一个timestep耗时4ms,那么进行动作选择计算和训练的时间大致为43-4=39毫秒。
The environment is stochastic in that it has sticky frameskip. While normal frameskip always repeats an action n times, sticky frameskip occasionally repeats an action n+1 times. When this happens, the following action is repeated one fewer times, since it is delayed by an extra frame. For the contest, sticky frameskip repeats an action an extra time with probability 0.25.
frameskip操作本身进行动作重复选择时可以加入概率随机性,具体参看(Revisiting the Arcade Learning Environment: Evaluation Protocols and Open Problems for General Agents):
Your agent is allowed to learn (adjust its weights, use a replay buffer, etc) during test time, although a separate copy of the agent will be run on each test level.
In addition you are limited to 4,500 timesteps per episode, corresponding to 18,000 frames or 5 minutes of real time at 60 fps.
不论是训练还是测试的时候对每一个回合的长度进行限制,每个回合最多timestep为4500, 也就是和环境交互18000个frame。对episode长度进行限制以防止有的episode进入无法终止的情况。
The reward your agent receives is proportional to its progress to the predefined horizontal offset within each level, positive for getting closer, negative for getting further away. If you reach the offset, the sum of your rewards will be 9000. In addition there is a time bonus that starts at 1000 and decreases learning to 0 at the end of the time limit, so beating the level as quickly as possible is rewarded.
关于对游戏中的奖励函数设定和游戏终止条件的判断是很复杂的,尤其是在 “刺猬索尼克”这样的游戏中,奖励函数的设定对游戏性能有较大的影响。
"done": {
"script": "lua:contest_done"
"reward": {
"script": "lua:contest_reward"
"scripts": [
level_max_x = {
-- Green Hill Zone
["zone=0,act=0"] = 0x2560,
["zone=0,act=1"] = 0x1F60,
["zone=0,act=2"] = 0x292A, -- Marble Zone
["zone=2,act=0"] = 0x1860,
["zone=2,act=1"] = 0x1860,
["zone=2,act=2"] = 0x1720, -- Spring Yard Zone
["zone=4,act=0"] = 0x2360,
["zone=4,act=1"] = 0x2960,
["zone=4,act=2"] = 0x2B83, -- Labyrinth Zone
["zone=1,act=0"] = 0x1A50,
["zone=1,act=1"] = 0x1150,
["zone=1,act=2"] = 0x1CC4, -- Star Light Zone
["zone=3,act=0"] = 0x2060,
["zone=3,act=1"] = 0x2060,
["zone=3,act=2"] = 0x1F48, -- Scrap Brain Zone
["zone=5,act=0"] = 0x2260,
["zone=5,act=1"] = 0x1EE0,
-- ["zone=5,act=2"] = 000000, -- does not have a max x
} function level_key()
return string.format("zone=%d,act=%d",, data.act)
end function clip(v, min, max)
if v < min then
return min
elseif v > max then
return max
return v
end data.prev_lives = 3 function contest_done()
if data.lives < data.prev_lives then
return true
data.prev_lives = data.lives if calc_progress(data) >= 1 then
return true
end return false
end data.offset_x = nil
end_x = nil function calc_progress(data)
if data.offset_x == nil then
data.offset_x = -data.x
end_x = level_max_x[level_key()] - data.x
end local cur_x = clip(data.x + data.offset_x, 0, end_x)
return cur_x / end_x
end data.prev_progress = 0
frame_limit = 18000 function contest_reward()
local progress = calc_progress(data)
local reward = (progress - data.prev_progress) * 9000
data.prev_progress = progress -- bonus for beating level quickly
if progress >= 1 then
reward = reward + (1 - clip(scenario.frame / frame_limit, 0, 1)) * 1000
return reward
end data.xpos_last_x = nil function xpos_done()
if data.lives < data.prev_lives then
return true
data.prev_lives = data.lives if scenario.frame >= frame_limit then
return true
end return data.x > level_max_x[level_key()]
end function xpos_rew()
if data.xpos_last_x == nil then
data.xpos_last_x = data.x
local result = data.x - data.xpos_last_x
data.xpos_last_x = data.x
return result
其中,level_max_x中给出不同游戏状态开始的游戏中最终的终点x轴的距离(如:0x2560 则是变量地址,该地址的变量则是游戏终点的x轴上位置)
level_max_x = {
-- Green Hill Zone
["zone=0,act=0"] = 0x2560,
["zone=0,act=1"] = 0x1F60,
["zone=0,act=2"] = 0x292A, -- Marble Zone
["zone=2,act=0"] = 0x1860,
["zone=2,act=1"] = 0x1860,
["zone=2,act=2"] = 0x1720, -- Spring Yard Zone
["zone=4,act=0"] = 0x2360,
["zone=4,act=1"] = 0x2960,
["zone=4,act=2"] = 0x2B83, -- Labyrinth Zone
["zone=1,act=0"] = 0x1A50,
["zone=1,act=1"] = 0x1150,
["zone=1,act=2"] = 0x1CC4, -- Star Light Zone
["zone=3,act=0"] = 0x2060,
["zone=3,act=1"] = 0x2060,
["zone=3,act=2"] = 0x1F48, -- Scrap Brain Zone
["zone=5,act=0"] = 0x2260,
["zone=5,act=1"] = 0x1EE0,
-- ["zone=5,act=2"] = 000000, -- does not have a max x
由于我们游戏的开始状态的x轴位置不为0,所以我们要记录我们游戏状态开始时的x轴位置坐标,这里设定为data.offset_x,由于游戏开始时的agent在x轴上的位置为data.x,所以我们设定data.offset_x= -data.x, 由下面的函数 calc_progress可以看到我们对data.offset_x的设置只进行一次,即游戏开始的状态,以后则不对data.offset_x进行修改。
我们将游戏开始时的位置( -data.offset_x )作为距离规整后的0点,距离规整后的终点位置则为 level_max_x[level_key()] +data.offset_x=level_max_x[level_key()] - data.x
于是,在以后的位置计算中agent的位置则为data.x + data.offset_x, 游戏起始点位置为0,终点位置为end_x 。
agent在游戏起始点和终点之间的位置比例为: cur_x / end_x ,该数值大于等于0小于等于1。
function calc_progress(data)
if data.offset_x == nil then
data.offset_x = -data.x
end_x = level_max_x[level_key()] - data.x
end local cur_x = clip(data.x + data.offset_x, 0, end_x)
return cur_x / end_x
data.prev_progress = 0
frame_limit = 18000 function contest_reward()
local progress = calc_progress(data)
local reward = (progress - data.prev_progress) * 9000
data.prev_progress = progress -- bonus for beating level quickly
if progress >= 1 then
reward = reward + (1 - clip(scenario.frame / frame_limit, 0, 1)) * 1000
return reward
分析上面代码,data.prev_progress指的是前一个时刻agent在0和end_x之间的比例,progress表示当前时刻agent在0和end_x之间的比例,当前时刻由于agent移动所带来的reward奖励为local reward = (progress - data.prev_progress) * 9000,假设agent从游戏开始到游戏终止时到达end_x位置,那么每一步的该部分奖励和为所有步的(progress - data.prev_progress) * 9000之和,等于最后到达end_x时的progress与游戏开始时的data.prev_progress之差,等于数值1,也就是说如果agent从游戏开始的x轴位置运动到游戏终点位置x_end那么最终所有步获得的该部分奖励之和为9000。
frame_limit = 18000
if progress >= 1 then
reward = reward + (1 - clip(scenario.frame / frame_limit, 0, 1)) * 1000
function xpos_done()
if data.lives < data.prev_lives then
return true
data.prev_lives = data.lives if scenario.frame >= frame_limit then
return true
end return data.x > level_max_x[level_key()]
if data.lives < data.prev_lives then
return true
if scenario.frame >= frame_limit then
return true
data.x > level_max_x[level_key()]
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