
oprocd是oracle在rac中引入用来fencing io的



在window下,不会存在oprocd 进程,可是会存在一个oraFenceService服务,用来实现同样的功能,该服务採用的技术是基于windows的,与oprocd不同

oprocd进程能够执行在两者模式下:fatal和no fatal,在fatal模式下,假设系统hang住,或者其它原因触发oprocd则oprocd进程会自己主动重新启动server。在no fatal模式下,假设系统hang住,或者其它原因触发oprocd进程,则oprocd进程会在日志中记录警告信息,可是不会重新启动系统。

oprocd进程具有两个參数:timeout 指定oprocd进程调用的时间间隔   margin 指定同意的时间偏差,假设时间偏差超过margin,则oprocd进程会重新启动系统或者记录错误信息到日志。

oprocd进程的日志文件位于:/etc/oracle/oprocd  或者 /var/opt/oracle/oprocd


[root@node2 init.d]# ps -ef | grep oprocd
root 5109 11227 0 20:37 pts/0 00:00:00 grep oprocd
root 5758 4849 0 19:14 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/init.cssd oprocd
root 6084 5758 0 19:14 ? 00:00:00 /u01/app/crs_home/bin/oprocd.bin run -t 1000 -m 10000 -hsi 5:10:50:75:90 -f

假设一个节点被hang住了非常长时间,那么集群中的其它节点会把该节点剔除出去,在这样的情况下,我们须要採取措施重新启动被hang住的节点,以便达到fencing io的目的。oprocd被设置了两个參数:timeout 和margin,进程会每间隔timeout时间被唤醒一次,假设本次被唤醒的时间与上次被唤醒的时间间隔超过timeout+margin,那么oprocd进程会觉得oracle 节点被hang住,因此会自己主动重新启动节点或者将警告信息写入日志。





4:oracle bug

Bug 5015469 – OPROCD may reboot the node whenever the system date is moved


Fixed in

Fixed in + One off patch for Bug 4206159.

Fixed in

Fixed in

Bug 4206159 – Oprocd is prone to time regression due to current API used (AIX only)


Bug 5137401 – Oprocd logfile is cleared after a reboot

Bug 5037858 – Increase the warning levels if a reboot is approaching

oprocd进程的两个參数:timeout和margin,其默认值在init.cssd 文件里指定,如

[root@node2 init.d]# cat init.cssd | grep ^OPROCD_DEFAULT_

因此,默认情况下,假设两次唤醒oprocd进程的时间间隔超过1.5s,oprocd进程就会重新启动系统。这往往是不合适的,假设我们手工改动init.cssd文件里的默认值,须要oracle support才干够。

假设须要突破1.5s的限制,我们能够调用init.cssd来实现目的,通过调用init.cssd能够改动两个參数:reboottime  和 diagwait,假设diagwait> reboottime,那么margin=diagwait-reboottime。在设置diagwait时,须要将集群中全部节点的全部进程停掉,都在能够造成数据损坏,仅仅需在rac中的一个节点改动就可以。建议将diagwait改动为13

[root@node2 bin]# ./crsctl get css reboottime
[root@node2 bin]# ./crsctl get css diagwait
[root@node2 bin]# ./crsctl set css diagwait 13 -force




Hangcheck-Timer Module

Hangcheck-Timer Module Requirements for Oracle 9i, 10g, and 11g RAC on Linux

Starting in release and later, Oracle RAC environments required using a new I/O fencing model, named the hangcheck-timer module. This module was implemented to replace the Watchdog module, which provided similar fencing functionality. Hangcheck-timer
was subsequently delivered as part of the standard kernel distribution for Linux kernel releases 2.4 and above.

Hangcheck-timer should be loaded at boot time, and monitors the Linux kernel for long operating system hangs that could affect the reliability of a RAC node.  It runs in kernel mode and uses the Time Stamp Counter (TSC) to catch scheduling delays or node hangs. 
This is done by setting a timer, then checking when the timer fires as to whether it was delayed by more than the allowed margin of error.  If the duration exceeds the allowed time of (hangcheck_tick + hangcheck_margin seconds), the machine is restarted. 
Hangcheck-timer will not cause reboots to occur due to CPU starvation.

 Hangcheck-timer requires three configuration parameters:

    hangcheck_tick - defines how often, in seconds, the hangcheck-timer checks the node for hangs. The default value is 60 seconds.

    hangcheck_margin - defines how much margin is allowed, in seconds, between expected scheduling and real scheduling time. The default value is 180 seconds.

    hangcheck_reboot - determines if the hangcheck-timer restarts the node if the kernel fails to respond within the sum of the hangcheck_tick and hangcheck_margin parameter values. If the value of hangcheck_reboot is equal to or greater than 1, then the hangcheck-timer
module restarts the system. If the hangcheck_reboot parameter is set to zero, then the hangcheck-timer module will not reboot the node, even if a hang is detected.   The default value varies by kernel version.  In the 2.4 kernel, the default is 1.  In 2.6
kernels, the default is 0.

Hangcheck-timer will provide message logging to the system messages log when a failure is detected, and a node restart is initiated by the module:

    When Hangcheck-timer reboots it may leave "Hangcheck: hangcheck is restarting the machine" message in /var/log/messages

    If you see the following message in /var/log/messages:  "Hangcheck: hangcheck value past margin!" this means a reboot was required but was not performed, because hangcheck_reboot was not set to 1.  If this message is seen, you must reload the hangcheck
module as described earlier in this note, with the hangcheck_reboot value set to 1.

Note : Hangheck timer is not required starting with Oracle Clusterware 11gR2

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