Java EE (5) -- Java EE 6 JavaServer Faces Developer Certified Expert(1z0-896)
- Identify the features of JSF such as Facelets, BookMarkable View, AJAX support and the benefits they bring in
- Identify the life cycle stages of JSF, flow of request processing, and purpose of FacesContext
- Design XHTML pages using JSF HTML tag library and demonstrate usage of JSF implicit objects
- Develop and associate model components with views using CDI Named beans and identify the advantages of CDI Named beans over Managed Bean
- Manage user and application state using various scopes like flash, conversation, application, request, and session
- Implement internationalization/Localization using resource bundle and Locale class
- Design JSF pages with static and dynamic implicit navigation
- Configure faces-config.xml to implement navigation rules including conditional and redirection
- Design bookmarkable views
- Implement data conversion model using JSF standard converters
- Create, configure, and use custom converters
- Identify the best suited standard validator and implement it in a given JSF application
- Create, configure, and use custom validators
- Describe the usage of bean validation
- Use CDI Named bean in a JSF application to handle action and valuechange events
- Create and implement listeners to handle events
- Develop JSF application that handle life cycle events
- Implement asynchronous events using AJAX
- Design a DataTable with header and footer to populate and manipulate data from various components like Array, List, ResultSet, DataModel and describe the differences between <f:dataTable> and <ui:repeat/>
- Implement composite components in JSF application and enhance it using AJAX
- Implement templates in a JSF application and describe the differences between <ui:composition/> and <ui:decorate/>
- Identify when and how to use custom components and custom renderers.
- Enhance JSF application using HTML5 components
- Configure security for JSF application using authorization and authentication techniques
- Implement efficient error handling and debugging techniques in a JSF application
- Configure and deploy a JSF application
Java EE (5) -- Java EE 6 JavaServer Faces Developer Certified Expert(1z0-896)的更多相关文章
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