使用PHP Socket 编程模拟Http post和get请求
这里给大家分享一段使用PHP Socket 编程模拟Http post和get请求的代码,非常的实用,结尾部分我们再讨论下php模拟http请求的几种方法。
- <?php /**
- * 使用PHP Socket 编程模拟Http post和get请求
- * @author koma
- */ class Http{
- private $sp = "\r\n"; //这里必须要写成双引号 private $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1';
- private $requestLine = "";
- private $requestHeader = "";
- private $requestBody = "";
- private $requestInfo = "";
- private $fp = null;
- private $urlinfo = null;
- private $header = array();
- private $body = "";
- private $responseInfo = "";
- private static $http = null; //Http对象单例
- private function __construct() {}
- public static function create() {
- if ( self::$http === null ) {
- self::$http = new Http();
- }
- return self::$http;
- }
- public function init($url) {
- $this->parseurl($url);
- $this->header['Host'] = $this->urlinfo['host'];
- return $this;
- }
- public function get($header = array()) {
- $this->header = array_merge($this->header, $header);
- return $this->request('GET');
- }
- public function post($header = array(), $body = array()) {
- $this->header = array_merge($this->header, $header);
- if ( !empty($body) ) {
- $this->body = http_build_query($body);
- $this->header['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
- $this->header['Content-Length'] = strlen($this->body);
- }
- return $this->request('POST');
- }
- private function request($method) {
- $header = "";
- $this->requestLine = $method.' '.$this->urlinfo['path'].'?'.$this->urlinfo['query'].' '.$this->protocol;
- foreach ( $this->header as $key => $value ) {
- $header .= $header == "" ? $key.':'.$value : $this->sp.$key.':'.$value;
- }
- $this->requestHeader = $header.$this->sp.$this->sp;
- $this->requestInfo = $this->requestLine.$this->sp.$this->requestHeader;
- if ( $this->body != "" ) {
- $this->requestInfo .= $this->body;
- }
- /*
- * 注意:这里的fsockopen中的url参数形式为"www.xxx.com"
- * 不能够带"http://"这种
- */
- $port = isset($this->urlinfo['port']) ? isset($this->urlinfo['port']) : '80';
- $this->fp = fsockopen($this->urlinfo['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr);
- if ( !$this->fp ) {
- echo $errstr.'('.$errno.')';
- return false;
- }
- if ( fwrite($this->fp, $this->requestInfo) ) {
- $str = "";
- while ( !feof($this->fp) ) {
- $str .= fread($this->fp, 1024);
- }
- $this->responseInfo = $str;
- }
- fclose($this->fp);
- return $this->responseInfo;
- }
- private function parseurl($url) {
- $this->urlinfo = parse_url($url);
- }
- } // $url = "http://news.163.com/14/1102/01/AA0PFA7Q00014AED.html";
- $url = "http://localhost/httppro/post.php"; $http = Http::create()->init($url); /* 发送get请求
- echo $http->get(array(
- 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36',
- ));
- */
- /* 发送post请求 */ echo $http->post(array(
- 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36',
- ), array('username'=>'发一个中文', 'age'=>22));
- <?php /**
- * 使用PHP Socket 编程模拟Http post和get请求
- * @author koma
- */ class Http{
- private $sp = "\r\n"; //这里必须要写成双引号 private $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1';
- private $requestLine = "";
- private $requestHeader = "";
- private $requestBody = "";
- private $requestInfo = "";
- private $fp = null;
- private $urlinfo = null;
- private $header = array();
- private $body = "";
- private $responseInfo = "";
- private static $http = null; //Http对象单例
- private function __construct() {}
- public static function create() {
- if ( self::$http === null ) {
- self::$http = new Http();
- }
- return self::$http;
- }
- public function init($url) {
- $this->parseurl($url);
- $this->header['Host'] = $this->urlinfo['host'];
- return $this;
- }
- public function get($header = array()) {
- $this->header = array_merge($this->header, $header);
- return $this->request('GET');
- }
- public function post($header = array(), $body = array()) {
- $this->header = array_merge($this->header, $header);
- if ( !empty($body) ) {
- $this->body = http_build_query($body);
- $this->header['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
- $this->header['Content-Length'] = strlen($this->body);
- }
- return $this->request('POST');
- }
- private function request($method) {
- $header = "";
- $this->requestLine = $method.' '.$this->urlinfo['path'].'?'.$this->urlinfo['query'].' '.$this->protocol;
- foreach ( $this->header as $key => $value ) {
- $header .= $header == "" ? $key.':'.$value : $this->sp.$key.':'.$value;
- }
- $this->requestHeader = $header.$this->sp.$this->sp;
- $this->requestInfo = $this->requestLine.$this->sp.$this->requestHeader;
- if ( $this->body != "" ) {
- $this->requestInfo .= $this->body;
- }
- /*
- * 注意:这里的fsockopen中的url参数形式为"www.xxx.com"
- * 不能够带"http://"这种
- */
- $port = isset($this->urlinfo['port']) ? isset($this->urlinfo['port']) : '80';
- $this->fp = fsockopen($this->urlinfo['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr);
- if ( !$this->fp ) {
- echo $errstr.'('.$errno.')';
- return false;
- }
- if ( fwrite($this->fp, $this->requestInfo) ) {
- $str = "";
- while ( !feof($this->fp) ) {
- $str .= fread($this->fp, 1024);
- }
- $this->responseInfo = $str;
- }
- fclose($this->fp);
- return $this->responseInfo;
- }
- private function parseurl($url) {
- $this->urlinfo = parse_url($url);
- }
- } // $url = "http://news.163.com/14/1102/01/AA0PFA7Q00014AED.html";
- $url = "http://localhost/httppro/post.php"; $http = Http::create()->init($url); /* 发送get请求
- echo $http->get(array(
- 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36',
- ));
- */
- /* 发送post请求 */ echo $http->post(array(
- 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36',
- ), array('username'=>'发一个中文', 'age'=>22));
php 模拟 http请求
- <?php
- $flag = 0;
- $params = '';
- $errno = '';
- $errstr = '';
- //要post的数据
- $argv = array(
- 'var1'=>'abc',
- 'var2'=>'how are you , my friend??');
- //构造要post的字符串
- foreach ($argv as $key=>$value) {
- if ($flag!=0) {
- $params .= "&";
- $flag = 1;
- }
- $params.= $key."="; $params.= urlencode($value);
- $flag = 1;
- }
- $length = strlen($params);
- //创建socket连接
- $fp = fsockopen("localhost",81,$errno,$errstr,10) or exit($errstr."--->".$errno);
- //构造post请求的头
- $header = "POST /flandy/getpost.php HTTP/1.1\r\n";
- $header .= "Host:\r\n";
- $header .= "Referer:/flandy/post.php\r\n";
- $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
- $header .= "Content-Length: ".$length."\r\n";
- $header .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
- //添加post的字符串
- $header .= $params."\r\n";
- //发送post的数据
- fputs($fp,$header);
- $inheader = 1;
- while (!feof($fp)) {
- $line = fgets($fp,1024); //去除请求包的头只显示页面的返回数据
- if ($inheader && ($line == "\n" || $line == "\r\n")) {
- $inheader = 0;
- }
- if ($inheader == 0) {
- echo $line;
- }
- }
- fclose($fp);
- ?>
- <?php
- echo "this is the data posted";
- echo "<pre>";
- print_r($_REQUEST);
- echo "</pre>";
- ?>
- this is the data postedArray
- (
- [var1] => abc
- [var2] => how are you , my friend??
- )
- <?php
- $psecode = 'NDE005';
- $website = 'www.baidu.com';
- $amt = 1;
- $pwd = 123456;
- $ch = curl_init();
- $curl_url = "http://localhost:81/flandy/getpost2.php?web=" . $website .
- "&pwd=" . $pwd . "&action=check&pseid=" . $psecode .
- "&amt=" . $amt;
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $curl_url);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);//不直接输出,返回到变量
- $curl_result = curl_exec($ch);
- $result = explode(',', $curl_result);
- curl_close($ch);
- print_r($result);
- ?>
- <?php
- echo "returndata<br>";
- echo "<pre>";
- print_r($_REQUEST);
- echo "</pre>";
- ?>
- Array ( [0] => returndataArray
- (
- [web] => 'wwwbaiducom'
- [pwd] => 123456
- [action] => check
- [pseid] => 'NDE005'
- [amt] => 1
- )
- )
- <?php
- require_once 'HttpClient.class.php';
- $params = array('web' => 'www.baidu.com',
- 'pwd' => '123456',
- 'action' => 'check',
- 'pseid' => 'NDE005',
- 'amt' => 1);
- $pageContents = HttpClient::quickPost('http://localhost:81/flandy/getpost3.php', $params);
- $result = explode(',', $pageContents);
- print_r($result);
- ?>
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