LEK - logstash + elasticsearch + Kibana

Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana — designed to take data from any source and search, analyze, and visualize it in real time, Elastic is helping people make sense of data.

logStash - collect , enrich , transport data
elasticSearch - search , analyse data in real time
kibana - explore , visualize your data

Install LEK is so easy, download the related software, then extract them(tar -zxvf), cd bin, ./xxx, last, you can use them.

usage: first elasticsearch/bin$ ./elasticsearch -d

second kibana/bin$ ./kibana

last use you browser to see Kibana Interface(your linux/unix ip:5601)

you also can use logstash connect the elasticsearch,

./logstash -f your conf-file path

conf-file's content:

input {
path => "/home/elc/Documents/zb.log"
type => "string"
output {
elasticsearch { host => localhost }
stdout { }


you can get it!


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