

// 导入
 public List<TempXskh> inputExcel(Xskh xskhs, String url) {

List<TempXskh> listadd = new ArrayList<TempXskh>();
  TempXskh xskh = null;
  int rsRows = 0;
  String guidUser = xskhs.getId();// 当前用户登录的id
  Integer pubRowIndex=0;
  try {
   InputStream is = new FileInputStream(url);
   jxl.Workbook rwb = Workbook.getWorkbook(is);
   // 获取第一张Sheet表
   Sheet rs = rwb.getSheet(0);

// 获取Sheet表中所包含的总行数,
   rsRows = rs.getRows();

// 定位(简称)在excel中以简称为标题的位置
   Map<Object, Object> map = Comm.getExcelIndex2("简称", url);
   Integer rowIndexAname = (Integer) map.get("rowIndex");
   Integer columnIndexAname = (Integer) map.get("columnIndex");
   // 定位(公司)
   Integer columnIndexComplay = Comm.getExcelIndex2("公司", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexComplay = pubRowIndex;

if ("null".equals(rowIndexComplay) || rowIndexComplay == null) {
    xskh = new TempXskh();
    return listadd;

// 定位(固定电话)
   Integer columnIndexPhone1 = Comm.getExcelIndex2("固定电话", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexPhone1 = pubRowIndex;

// 定位(移动电话)
   Integer columnIndexMobeliPhone = Comm.getExcelIndex2("移动电话", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexMobeliPhone =pubRowIndex;

// 定位(传真)
   Integer columnIndexFax = Comm.getExcelIndex2("传真", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexFax =pubRowIndex;

// 定位(地址)
   Integer columnIndexAddress = Comm.getExcelIndex2("地址", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexAddress = pubRowIndex;

if ("null".equals(rowIndexAddress) || rowIndexAddress == null) {
    xskh = new TempXskh();
    return listadd;

// 定位(网站)
   Integer columnIndexSite = Comm.getExcelIndex2("网址", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexSite = pubRowIndex;

// 定位(email)
   Integer columnIndexMail = Comm.getExcelIndex2("邮箱", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexMail =pubRowIndex;

// 定位(qq)
   Integer columnIndexqq = Comm.getExcelIndex2("qq", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexqq = pubRowIndex;

// 定位(联系人)
   Integer columnIndexPeple = Comm.getExcelIndex2("联系人", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexPeple = pubRowIndex;

if ("null".equals(rowIndexPeple) || rowIndexPeple == null) {
    xskh = new TempXskh();
    return listadd;

// 定位(联系人部门)
   Integer columnIndexDeparetment = Comm.getExcelIndex2("联系人部门", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexDeparetment =pubRowIndex;

// 定位(联系人职务)
   Integer columnIndexBusiness = Comm.getExcelIndex2("联系人职务", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexBusiness = pubRowIndex;

// 定位(联系人电话)
   Integer columnIndexphone2 = Comm.getExcelIndex2("联系人电话", url,pubRowIndex);
   Integer rowIndexphone2 =pubRowIndex;

    * 标题不在同一行
   if (rowIndexComplay != pubRowIndex
     || rowIndexComplay != rowIndexPeple) {
    xskh = new TempXskh();

return listadd;
   // 从标题下一行开始取数据
   for (int j = pubRowIndex + 1; j < rsRows; j++) {
    xskh = new TempXskh();

// excel不存在简称
    if ("null".equals(columnIndexAname) || columnIndexAname == null) {
    } else {
     Cell aname = rs.getCell(columnIndexAname, j); // (简称)第几行第几列(前门是列,后面是行)
    // excel不存在固定电话
    if ("null".equals(rowIndexPhone1) || rowIndexPhone1 == null) {
     xskh = new TempXskh();
    } else {
     Cell tel = rs.getCell(columnIndexPhone1, j);

// excel不存在移动电话
    if ("null".equals(rowIndexMobeliPhone)
      || rowIndexMobeliPhone == null) {
     xskh = new TempXskh();
    } else {
     Cell mobele = rs.getCell(columnIndexMobeliPhone, j);

// excel不存在传真
    if ("null".equals(rowIndexFax) || rowIndexFax == null) {
     xskh = new TempXskh();
    } else {
     Cell fax = rs.getCell(columnIndexFax, j);
    // excel不存在网站
    if ("null".equals(rowIndexSite) || rowIndexSite == null) {
     xskh = new TempXskh();
    } else {
     Cell site = rs.getCell(columnIndexSite, j);

// excel不存在email
    if ("null".equals(rowIndexMail) || rowIndexMail == null) {
     xskh = new TempXskh();

} else {
     Cell mail = rs.getCell(columnIndexMail, j);

// excel不存在qq
    if ("null".equals(rowIndexqq) || rowIndexqq == null) {
     xskh = new TempXskh();
    } else {
     Cell qq = rs.getCell(columnIndexqq, j);

// excel不存在联系人部门
    if ("null".equals(rowIndexDeparetment)
      || rowIndexDeparetment == null) {
     xskh = new TempXskh();
    } else {
     Cell bm = rs.getCell(columnIndexDeparetment, j);

// excel不存在联系人电话
    if ("null".equals(rowIndexphone2) || rowIndexphone2 == null) {
     xskh = new TempXskh();
    } else {
     Cell ptel = rs.getCell(columnIndexphone2, j);

// excel不存在联系人职务
    if ("null".equals(rowIndexBusiness) || rowIndexBusiness == null) {
     xskh = new TempXskh();
    } else {
     Cell Business = rs.getCell(columnIndexBusiness, j);

Cell complay = rs.getCell(columnIndexComplay, j); // (公司)第几行第几列(前门是列,后面是行)
    Cell adress = rs.getCell(columnIndexAddress, j);// 地址
    Cell peple = rs.getCell(columnIndexPeple, j);// 联系人
    String com = complay.getContents();
    String addr = adress.getContents();
    String ple = peple.getContents();
    if ("null".equals(com) || "".equals(com) || com == ""
      || com == null) {
     com = null;
    if ("null".equals(addr) || "".equals(addr) || addr == ""
      || addr == null) {
     addr = null;
    if ("null".equals(ple) || "".equals(ple) || ple == ""
      || ple == null) {
     ple = null;


xskh.setAguid(Comm.getAguid());// 设置主键
    // Integer pxxh=this.excelDao.getMaxPxxh();


// xskh.setPxxh(pxxh+1);
    // xskh.setGuid_lastupd(Comm.getDate());//导入日期
    xskh.setString_create(Comm.getDate());// 导入日期
    // xskh.setTimeOfLastUpdate(Comm.getDate());//最后更新
    this.excelDao.inputTempExcel(xskh);// 添加到数据库方法(dao)

  return listadd;



// 定位excel标题位置(纵向定位)
 public static Map<Object, Object> getExcelIndex(String name, String url) {
  int rsRows = 0;
  Map<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
  try {
   InputStream is = new FileInputStream(url);//excel文件路径
   jxl.Workbook rwb = Workbook.getWorkbook(is);
   // 获取第一张Sheet表
   Sheet rs = rwb.getSheet(0);

// 获取Sheet表中所包含的总行数,
   rsRows = rs.getRows();
   for (int i = 0; i < rsRows; i++) {
    Cell[] cell = rs.getRow(i);// 获取某一行的所有单元格,返回的是单元格对象数组
    // 获取某一行的所有单元格
    for (int j = 0; j < cell.length; j++) {

Cell[] cell2 = rs.getColumn(j);
     // 获取某一行的具体列单元格
     for (int k = 0; k < cell2.length; k++) {
      if (name.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(
        cell[j].getContents().trim())) {
       Cell c = rs.getCell(j, i); // 第几行第几列(前门是列,后面是行)
       int rowIndex = i;// 行
       int columnIndex = j;// 列
       map.put("rowIndex", rowIndex);
       map.put("columnIndex", columnIndex);




  } catch (Exception e) {
  return map;

// 定位excel标题位置(横向定位)
 public static Map<Object, Object> getExcelIndex2(String name, String url) {
  int rsRows = 0;
  Map<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<Object, Object>();

try {
   InputStream is = new FileInputStream(url);
   jxl.Workbook rwb = Workbook.getWorkbook(is);
   // 获取第一张Sheet表
   Sheet rs = rwb.getSheet(0);

// 获取Sheet表中所包含的总行数,
   rsRows = rs.getRows();
   for (int i = 0; i < rsRows; i++) {
    Cell[] cell = rs.getRow(i);// 获取某一行的所有单元格,返回的是单元格对象数组
    // 获取某一行的所有单元格
    for (int j = 0; j < cell.length; j++) {

Cell[] cell2 = rs.getRow(j);
     // 获取某一行的具体列单元格
     for (int k = 0; k < cell2.length; k++) {
      if (name.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(
        cell[k].getContents().trim())) {
       Cell c = rs.getCell(j, k); // 第几行第几列(前门是列,后面是行)
       int rowIndex = j;// 行
       int columnIndex = k;// 列

map.put("rowIndex", rowIndex);
       map.put("columnIndex", columnIndex);





  } catch (Exception e) {
  return map;

// 定位excel标题位置(横向定位)
 public static Integer getExcelIndex2(String name, String url,
   Integer rowIndex) {

Integer columnIndex = 0;

try {
   InputStream is = new FileInputStream(url);
   jxl.Workbook rwb = Workbook.getWorkbook(is);
   // 获取第一张Sheet表
   Sheet rs = rwb.getSheet(0);

Cell[] cell = rs.getRow(rowIndex);// 获取某一行的所有单元格,返回的是单元格对象数组
   // 获取某一行的所有单元格
   for (int j = 0; j < cell.length; j++) {

Cell[] cell2 = rs.getRow(j);
    // 获取某一行的具体列单元格
    for (int k = 0; k < cell2.length; k++) {
     if (name.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(
       cell[k].getContents().trim())) {
      Cell c = rs.getCell(j, k); // 第几行第几列(前门是列,后面是行)

columnIndex = k;// 列


} catch (Exception e) {
  return columnIndex;


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