
control file sequential read

Reading from the control file. This happens in many cases. For example, while:

1、Making a backup of the control files

2、Sharing information (between instances) from the control file

3、Reading other blocks from the control files

4、Reading the header block

Wait Time: The wait time is the elapsed time of the read




The control file from which the session is reading


Block number in the control file from where the session starts to read. The block size is the physical block size of the port (usually 512 bytes, some UNIX ports have 1 or 2 Kilobytes).


The number of blocks that the session is trying to read




当前等待事件中没有”control file sequential read”该项,从v$session_wait中查看最高10项记录中可以看到,事件中所读取的数据块并不集中,而且每次读取的块数为1(1是正常的),等待时间为0。这表明数据库是健康的。




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