
The are several methods of creating text files from sql server.

  • osql
  • bcp
  • redirection commands
  • sp_MakeWebTask
  • Com object calls

Remember that in all cases the path of the output file will be relative to the server - not to the client on which the application is running.

This example will just output master..sysobjects to the file c:\osqloutput.txt.

  1. declare @cmd varchar(1000)
  2. select @cmd = 'osql -U -P -S -Q"select * from master..sysobjects" -o"c:\osqloutput.txt" -w500'
  3. exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

bcp very fast and easy to use for just dumping a table out - can be used against a view too.

  1. master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp master..sysobjects out c:\file.bcp -S -U -P -c '

redirection commands
You will need to create the data to be output as in dynamic sql statements
The first command here creates or overwrites the file - the rest append to the file.

  1. exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo hello > c:\file.txt'
  2. exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo appended data >> c:\file.txt'
  3. exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo more data >> c:\file.txt'

will generate a file containing
appended data
more data

This is for creating html code from a query

Com object calls
Using sp_oa... system stored procedures and creating com objects or existing applications you can probably do whatevr you wish - but you should probably ask whether sql server is the right place to control this.

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