
Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.


class Solution {
int romanToInt(string s) {
const int size = ;
std::map<char, int> symbol_value;
char symbol_ori[size] = {'M','D','C','L','X','V','I'};
int value_ori[size] = {,,,,,,};
for ( size_t i = ; i < size; ++i )
symbol_value[symbol_ori[i]]=value_ori[i]; int result = symbol_value[s[]];
for ( size_t i = ; i < s.size(); ++i )
if ( symbol_value[s[i]] > symbol_value[s[i-]] )
result += symbol_value[s[i]] - *symbol_value[s[i-]];
result += symbol_value[s[i]];
return result;








class Solution {
int romanToInt(string s) {
map<char,int> symbol_value;
symbol_value['M'] = ;
symbol_value['D'] = ;
symbol_value['C'] = ;
symbol_value['L'] = ;
symbol_value['X'] = ;
symbol_value['V'] = ;
symbol_value['I'] = ;
int ret = ;
int i=;
for ( ;i<s.size()-; ++i )
if( symbol_value[s[i]] < symbol_value[s[i+]] )
ret = ret + symbol_value[s[i+]] - symbol_value[s[i]];
ret = ret + symbol_value[s[i]];
if ( i==s.size()- ) ret += symbol_value[s[i]];
return ret;

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