#define ASPECT_RATIO 1.653



const double AspectRatio = 1.653;

当我们以常量替换#define 时,有两种特殊情况需要考虑


const char* const authorName = "Scott Meyers"


const std::string authorName("Scott Meyers")

第二:为了将常量的作用域限制于class 中,必须让他成为class的一个成员,而为了确保此常量至多只用一份实体,需要声明为static:

class GamePlayer{
static const int NumTurns = ;
int scores[NumTurns];

另一个常见#define误用的情况是以它实现宏max(a,b) f((a)>(b)? (a):(b)),该宏看起来像个函数,而且不会招致函数带来的额外开销。


int a =  ,b = ;

第一次调用max时a累加两次,而第二次调用max 时a累加一次,我想这应该不是编写这段程序的人的本意。

遇到上述问题,我们需要使用inline 来替换:

template <class T>
inline void max(const T& a,const T& b)
f(a>b ? a:b);




int x = ;
const char* text = "a c-style string";
double d;
std::cin >> d;


class PhoneNumber { ... };
class ABEntry { // ABEntry = “Address Book Entry”
  ABEntry(const std::string& name, const std::string& address,
  const std::list<PhoneNumber>& phones);
  std::string theName;
  std::string theAddress;
  std::list<PhoneNumber> thePhones;
  int numTimesConsulted;
ABEntry::ABEntry(const std::string& name, const std::string& address,
const std::list<PhoneNumber>& phones)
  theName = name; // these are all assignments,
  theAddress = address; // not initializations
  thePhones = phones;
  numTimesConsulted = ;


ABEntry::ABEntry(const std::string& name, const std::string& address,
const std::list<PhoneNumber>& phones)
: theName(name),
theAddress(address), // these are now all initializations



对于初始化次序不确定的情况(对不同编译单元的non-local static),则需要以local static替换之。所谓的local static对象指的是函数内的static 对象,其他则成为non-local static 对象。


class FileSystem { // from your library’s header file
std::size_t numDisks() const; // one of many member functions
extern FileSystem tfs; // declare object for clients to use
// (“tfs” = “the file system” ); definition
// is in some .cpp file in your library

其中tfs预留给客户使用,如果在客户使用tfs 之前,tfs还没有初始化,就会造成严重后果。

class Directory { // created by library client
Directory( params );
Directory::Directory( params )
std::size_t disks = tfs.numDisks(); // use the tfs object
} Directory tempDir( params ); // 创建一个Directory对象


我们需要做的就是把non-local static对象放到函数内变为local static,然后让用户调用该函数,这样就可以确保初始化的正确顺序。

class FileSystem { ... }; // as before
FileSystem& tfs() // this replaces the tfs object; it could be
{ // static in the FileSystem class
  static FileSystem fs; // define and initialize a local static object
  return fs; // return a reference to it
class Directory { ... }; // as before
Directory::Directory( params ) // as before, except references to tfs are
{ // now to tfs()
  std::size_t disks = tfs().numDisks();
Directory& tempDir() // this replaces the tempDir object; it
{ // could be static in the Directory class
  static Directory td( params ); // define/initialize local static object
  return td; // return reference to it

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