Why And When To Use Pre-Update and Pre-Insert Triggers In Oracle Forms
v_avl_qty number;
Select avl_qty into v_avl_qty
From stock_inhand
Where Item_Code = :Block1.item_code;
if v_avl_qty < :Block1.qty_issued then
Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
--- Execution stopped...
end if;
--- Else insertion will take place...
And now I am giving you another example, suppose there is a field which need to be assigned from database just before the updation of the record, then you must write a Pre-Update trigger for this purpose, below is an example:
v_value varchar2(10);
Select a_value into v_value
From a_table
Where b_value = :Block1.b_value;
--- Assign this value to block item
:Block1.a_value := v_value;
--- you can assign any others value to any field just before updation or insertion like:
:Block1.create_date := Sysdate;
when others then
--- After any error or no data found you still want to continue then you can use only Null; statement
--- and any other value to any field you can still assign
:Block1.create_date := Sysdate;
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