
to just, exact.

In measurement technology and metrology [度量衡学], calibration [校准] is the comparison of measurement values delivered by a device under test with those of a calibration standard of known accuracy. Such a standard could be another measurement device of known accuracy, a device generating the quantity to be measured such as a voltage, a sound tone, or a physical artifact [an object made by a human being], such as a meter ruler [米尺-长1m,最小刻度1cm]. The outcome of the comparison can result in one of the following:

1. no significant error being noted on the device under test
2. a significant error being noted but no adjustment made
3. an adjustment made to correct the error to an acceptable level

Strictly speaking, the term "calibration" means just the act of comparison and does not include any subsequent adjustment.

"3 Simple Techniques for Statistically Adjusting Data Posted by Stacey Penczak, Sr. Project Manager"

Data may require statistical adjustments for several reasons, and you have a few different techniques available to use. Consider weighting if you need to make the sample data more representative of the target population. Variable respecification is beneficial when you need to modify or create new variables that are more consistent with your research objectives. Employ dummy variables if the coding used is not conducive to statistical analysis. Lastly, scale transformation enables you to compare data across various scales and can be particularly helpful for multi-country research projects.




(serve, attend) => (help, aid, be of service to) => (manage as a steward, control or regulate on behalf of others)

steward: 服务员、干事(顾名思义:-)); regulate: 控制/管理; on behalf of: 代表。

We are looking to hire a skilled Windows Administrator to manage and maintain [维护] our Windows system and server network. In this role, you will be responsible for installing or upgrading Windows-based systems and servers, managing user access to the servers, and maintaining the security and stability [稳定性] of the network.

To ensure success as a Windows Administrator, you should have in-depth knowledge of Windows server setup, deployment [部署], and maintenance [维护], advanced coding [编程] skills, and the ability to solve complex IT issues. Ultimately, a top-class Windows Administrator ensures the smooth running of the company’s networking and server systems, while maintaining a high level of security.

Windows Administrator Requirements:
1. Bachelor's degree [学士] in Information Technology or Computer Science.
2. Proven work experience as a Windows Administrator is preferred.
3. Detailed knowledge of Windows server setup, deployment, and maintenance.
4. Ability to create scripts [脚本语言] in Perl, Python, and similar languages. 菜鸟教程和w3cschool都不错。
5. Experience with databases [数据库], patch [软件补丁] management, and networks including LAN and WAN [局域网和广域网].
6. Familiarity with modern operating systems and server platforms.
7. Knowledge of network security systems, intrusion detection [入侵检测] systems, and data backup [数据备份].
8. Excellent problem-solving skills.
9. Good analytical [分析] and communication skills.

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