
1. belt, scarf, handbag, Penny用rhinestone做的小首饰(Penny Blossom)都是accessory
2. With default settings, the Windows Accessories folder includes Character Map, Internet Explorer, Math Input Panel, Notepad, Paint, Remote Desktop Connection (用于远程access)
3. abettor是个古词,它是abet(唆使,怂恿)的名词。confederate(共犯), fugitive(逃犯), con is an abbreviation for convict(宣判,囚犯), Rachel不愿意照看Ben, Ross: "Rach, he's not an ex-con."

Somebody who is wanted is being looked for by the police. Interpol /ˈintəpɔl/ 国际刑事警察组织的网站说;

A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action. It contains two main types of information:

1. Information to identify the wanted person, such as their name, date of birth, nationality, hair and eye colour, photographs and fingerprints if available.
2. Information related to the crime they are wanted for, which can typically be murder, rape, child abuse or armed robbery.

Red Notices are published by INTERPOL at the request of a member country, and must comply with INTERPOL’s Constitution and Rules. A Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant. There are currently approximately 66,370 valid Red Notices, of which some 7,669 are public.

The FBI's most-wanted list is a list of the most dangerous fugitives. The list was founded in 1950 when a reporter asked the Bureau for the names and descriptions of the "toughest guys" they would like to capture. According to the FBI's website, a total of 525 fugitives have been on the "Ten Most Wanted Fugitives" list, and 490 have been apprehended or located. Generally, individuals are only removed from the list if they are captured, die, or if the charges against them are dropped. [Phoebe的朋友上过榜]

六级/考研单词: penny, blossom, accessory, default, mathematics, desktop, abbreviation, convict, notify, enforce, pending, surrender, illicit, fingerprint, rape, abuse, rob, comply, constitution, warranty, valid, bureau, accord, website


不要和event, incidence, incident搞混。The word incident is used in the sense of ‘happening that was not expected’. *Sometimes* the word event is used in the sense of 'probability' or 'possibility.'

School children in Liangyungang, Jiangsu province partake in activities commemorating the 83rd anniversary of the September 18 Incident, Sept 17, 2014. September 18 marks the anniversary of the “9.18 Incident”, an event staged by the Japanese Army that led to the Japanese invasion of Northeast China. The invasion would lead to a series of war related atrocities in China in 1931. Many cities in the northeast region hold activities to commemorate the date. [Photo/Xinhua]

incidence: the number of times sth happens. 发生率,频度(frequency),搞统计的常用。

六级/考研单词: incidence, province, commemorate, anniversary, invade, atrocity

by accident ≠deliberately ≠on purpose; purposeful =determined
accidental: happening without being planned or intended
incidental: 1. happening or existing in connection with sth else that is more important (as 配乐); 2. naturally happening as a result of sth
incidentally: 1. in an incidental way; 2. by the way

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