34.qt quick-Popup弹出窗口自定义
- anchors.centerIn : Object,用来设置居中在谁窗口中.
- closePolicy : enumeration,设置弹出窗口的关闭策略,默认值为默认值为Popup.CloseOnEscape|Popup.CloseOnPressOutside,取值有:
- Popup.NoAutoClose : 只有在手动调用close()后,弹出窗口才会关闭(比如加载进度时,不XIANG)。
- Popup.CloseOnPressOutside : 当鼠标按在弹出窗口外时,弹出窗口将关闭。
- Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent : 当鼠标按在其父项之外时,弹出窗口将关闭。
- Popup.CloseOnReleaseOutside : 当鼠标在弹出窗口外部松开按下时,弹出窗口将关闭。
- Popup.CloseOnReleaseOutsideParent : 当鼠标在其父项松开按下时,弹出窗口将关闭。
- Popup.CloseOnEscape : 当弹出窗口具有活动焦点时,按下ESC键时,弹出窗口将关闭。
- dim : bool,昏暗属性,默认为undefined,设置为false,则模态窗口弹出后的其它背景不会昏暗
- modal : bool,模态,默认为false(非模态,非阻塞调用,指出现该对话框时,也可以与父窗口进行交互,此时dim是无效果的)
- enter : Transition,进入弹出窗口时的动画过渡
- exit : Transition,退出弹出窗口时的动画过渡
- void aboutToHide(): 当弹出窗口即将隐藏时,会发出此信号。
- void aboutToShow(): 当弹出窗口即将显示时,会发出此信号。
- void closed(): 当弹出窗口关闭时发出此信号。
- void opened(): 打开弹出窗口时发出此信号。
- void close(): 关闭弹出窗口。
- forceActiveFocus(reason = Qt.OtherFocusReason): 强制设置焦点
- void open() : 打开弹出窗口。
- 一个是设置popup在目标对象的水平方向的位置
- 一个是popup在目标对象的垂直方向的位置.
- // 指示器方向,根据horizontalPosBase和verticalPosBase 自动计算
- enum IndicatorStyle {
- IndicatorLeft,
- IndicatorRight,
- IndicatorTop,
- IndicatorBottom
- }
- function updateIndicatorPos(indicatorStyle) {
- switch (indicatorStyle)
- {
- case IndicatorPopup.IndicatorLeft:
- indicator.x = - indicator.width*0.4;
- indicator.y = back.height <= myTarget.height ? (back.height)/2-indicatorLen :
- verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.TopAlign ? (myTarget.height)/2 -indicatorLen :
- verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.VerticalAlign ? (back.height)/2 -indicatorLen :
- back.height - (myTarget.height)/2 -indicatorLen;
- break;
- case IndicatorPopup.IndicatorRight:
- indicator.x = width - indicator.width*1.2;
- indicator.y = back.height <= myTarget.height ? (back.height)/2-indicatorLen :
- verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.TopAlign ? (myTarget.height)/2 -indicatorLen :
- verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.VerticalAlign ? (back.height)/2 -indicatorLen :
- back.height - (myTarget.height)/2 -indicatorLen;
- break;
- case IndicatorPopup.IndicatorTop:
- indicator.x = back.width <= myTarget.width ? (back.width)/2-indicatorLen :
- horizontalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToRight ? (myTarget.width)/2 -indicatorLen :
- horizontalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToHorizontal ? (back.width)/2 -indicatorLen :
- back.width - (myTarget.width)/2 -indicatorLen;
- indicator.y = - indicator.width*0.4;
- break;
- case IndicatorPopup.IndicatorBottom:
- indicator.x = back.width <= myTarget.width ? (back.width)/2-indicatorLen :
- horizontalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToRight ? (myTarget.width)/2 -indicatorLen :
- horizontalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToHorizontal ? (back.width)/2 -indicatorLen :
- back.width - (myTarget.width)/2 -indicatorLen;
- indicator.y = height - indicator.height*1.2;
- break;
- }
- console.log("indicator",indicator.x,indicator.y,indicator.width,indicator.height)
- }
- function updatePopupPos() {
- var indicatorStyle;
- switch (horizontalPosBase)
- {
- case IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToLeft: // popup位于目标水平左侧
- x = myTarget.x - width - targetSpacing;
- y = verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.TopAlign ? myTarget.y :
- verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.VerticalAlign ? myTarget.y + myTarget.height/2 - height/2 :
- myTarget.y - height + myTarget.height
- indicatorStyle = IndicatorPopup.IndicatorRight;
- break;
- case IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToHorizontal: // popup水平中间
- x = myTarget.x + myTarget.width/2 - width/2;
- y = verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToTop ? myTarget.y - height - targetSpacing :
- verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToBottom ? myTarget.y + myTarget.height + targetSpacing :
- myTarget.y + myTarget.height + targetSpacing
- indicatorStyle = verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToTop ? IndicatorPopup.IndicatorBottom :
- IndicatorPopup.IndicatorTop;
- break;
- case IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToRight: // popup位于目标水平右侧
- x = myTarget.x + myTarget.width + targetSpacing;
- y = verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.TopAlign ? myTarget.y :
- verticalPosBase === IndicatorPopup.VerticalAlign ? myTarget.y + myTarget.height/2 - height/2 :
- myTarget.y - height + myTarget.height
- indicatorStyle = IndicatorPopup.IndicatorLeft
- console.log("PosBaseToRight",x,y,indicatorStyle);
- break;
- }
- back.anchors.leftMargin = indicatorStyle === IndicatorPopup.IndicatorLeft ? indicatorLen : 0
- back.anchors.rightMargin = indicatorStyle === IndicatorPopup.IndicatorRight ? indicatorLen : 0
- back.anchors.bottomMargin = indicatorStyle === IndicatorPopup.IndicatorBottom ? indicatorLen : 0
- back.anchors.topMargin = indicatorStyle === IndicatorPopup.IndicatorTop ? indicatorLen : 0
- leftPadding = indicatorStyle === IndicatorPopup.IndicatorLeft ? indicatorLen : 0
- rightPadding = indicatorStyle === IndicatorPopup.IndicatorRight ? indicatorLen : 0
- bottomPadding = indicatorStyle === IndicatorPopup.IndicatorBottom ? indicatorLen : 0
- topPadding = indicatorStyle === IndicatorPopup.IndicatorTop ? indicatorLen : 0
- console.log(x,y,indicatorStyle);
- updateIndicatorPos(indicatorStyle);
- }
- Button {
- id: btn
- text: "水平左侧-顶部对齐"
- onClicked: {
- popup.backgroundColor = "#12B7F5"
- popup.horizontalPosBase = IndicatorPopup.PosBaseToLeft
- popup.verticalPosBase = IndicatorPopup.TopAlign
- popup.indicatorOpen(btn)
- }
- }
- IndicatorPopup {
- id: popup
- width : 180
- height: 200
- modal: false
- focus: true
- parent: Overlay.overlay // Overlay.overlay表示主窗口的意思,附加到任何的item、popup中,避免当前界面不是主界面的情况,无法显示弹出窗口
- TextArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- text: "1234567890"
- color: "#FFF"
- font.pixelSize: 14
- font.family: "Microsoft Yahei"
- wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAnywhere
- }
- closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
- }
- Overlay.modal: Rectangle {
- color: "#aaffdbe7"
- }
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