code snippets

vscode & code snippets

css reset

    "CSS3 Template": {
        "prefix": "c3t",
        "body": [
            "@charset \"UTf-8\";",
            "/* $1.css */\n",
            ":root {",
            "    --cololr: #fff;",
            "    --default-cololr: #000;",
            "    --new-cololr: #0f0;",
            "    font-size: 62.5%;",
            "    /* 10px = 1rem */",
            "* {",
            "    box-sizing: border-box;",
            "    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;",
            "    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;",
            "html, body, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, p, blockquote, dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li, pre, form, fieldset, object, code, legend, button, input, textarea, th, td, a, img, video {",
            "    margin: 0;",
            "    padding: 0;",
            "    border: 0;",
            "    outline: 0;",
        "description": "CSS3 Template & code snippets!"


    "CSS3 Template": {
        "prefix": "c3t",
        "body": [
            "@charset \"UTf-8\";",
            "/* $1.css */\n",
            ":root {",
            "   --cololr: $2;",
            "   --default-cololr: $2;",
            "   --new-cololr: $3;",
        "description": "CSS3 Template & code snippets!"


    "JavaScript ES6 React Template": {
        "prefix": "js6r",
        "body": [
            "\"use strict\";",
            " * ",
            " * @author xgqfrms",
            " * @license MIT",
            " * @copyright xgqfrms",
            " * ",
            " * @description $2",
            " * @augments $3",
            " * @example $4",
            " * ",
            " */",
            "const $2Generator = ($5datas = [], debug = false) => {",
            "    let result = ``;",
            "    // do something...",
            "    return $7result;",
            "export default $2;",
            "export {",
            "    $2,",
        "description": "JavaScript ES6 React Template & code snippets!"


    "HTML5 Template": {
        "prefix": "h5t",
        "body": [
            "<!DOCTYPE html>",
            "<html lang=\"zh-Hans\">",
            "    <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">",
            "    <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">",
            "    <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"ie=edge\">",
            "    <meta name=\"author\" content=\"xgqfrms\">",
            "    <meta name=\"generator\" content=\"VS code\">",
            "    <title>$1</title>",
            "    <section>",
            "        <h1>$2</h1>",
            "        <a href=\"\">$3</a>",
            "    </section>",
        "description": "HTML5 Template & code snippets!"


    "NPM JSON Template": {
        "prefix": "njt",
        "body": [
            "   \"name\": \"$1npm node project\",",
            "   \"description\": \"$2an open source project created by xgqfrms\",",
            "   \"author\": \"xgqfrms\",",
            "   \"version\": \"1.1.1\",",
            "   \"license\": \"MIT\",",
            "   \"private\": true,",
            "   \"scripts\": {",
            "       \"dev\": \"npm run start\",",
            "       \"app\": \"npm run build\",",
            "       \"rmrf\": \"rimraf dist/**/*\",",
            "       \"map\": \"rimraf dist/**/*.map\"",
            "   },",
            "   \"bin\": {",
            "       \"dev\": \"dev\",",
            "       \"app\": \"app\"",
            "   },",
            "   \"keywords\": [",
            "       \"Node.js\",",
            "       \"NPM\",",
            "       \"JS\"",
            "   ]",
        "description": "NPM JSON Template & code snippets!"



    "JSON5 Template": {
        "prefix": "json5",
        "body": [
            "   \"name\": \"$1npm node project\",",
            "   \"description\": \"$2an open source project created by xgqfrms\",",
            "   \"author\": \"xgqfrms\",",
            "   \"version\": \"1.1.1\",",
            "   \"license\": \"MIT\",",
            "   \"private\": true,",
            "   \"scripts\": {",
            "       \"dev\": \"npm run start\",",
            "       \"app\": \"npm run build\",",
            "       \"rmrf\": \"rimraf dist/**/*\",",
            "       \"map\": \"rimraf dist/**/*.map\"",
            "   },",
            "   \"bin\": {",
            "       \"dev\": \"dev\",",
            "       \"app\": \"app\"",
            "   },",
            "   \"keywords\": [",
            "       \"Node.js\",",
            "       \"NPM\",",
            "       \"JS\"",
            "   ]",
        "description": "JSON5 Template & code snippets!"


JSON with Comments

    "JSON with Comments Template": {
        "prefix": "jsonc",
        "body": [
            "   \"name\": \"$1npm node project\",",
            "   \"description\": \"$2an open source project created by xgqfrms\",",
            "   \"author\": \"xgqfrms\",",
            "   \"version\": \"1.1.1\",",
            "   \"license\": \"MIT\",",
            "   \"private\": true,",
            "   \"scripts\": {",
            "       \"dev\": \"npm run start\",",
            "       \"app\": \"npm run build\",",
            "       \"rmrf\": \"rimraf dist/**/*\",",
            "       \"map\": \"rimraf dist/**/*.map\"",
            "   },",
            "   \"bin\": {",
            "       \"dev\": \"dev\",",
            "       \"app\": \"app\"",
            "   },",
            "   \"keywords\": [",
            "       \"Node.js\",",
            "       \"NPM\",",
            "       \"JS\"",
            "   ]",
        "description": "JSON with Comments Template & code snippets!"

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