add_action('admin_head', 'my_custom_mce_button');
function my_custom_mce_button() {
if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) && !current_user_can( 'edit_pages' ) ) {
if ( 'true' == get_user_option( 'rich_editing' ) ) {
add_filter( 'mce_external_plugins', 'my_custom_tinymce_plugin' );
add_filter( 'mce_buttons', 'my_register_mce_button' );
function my_custom_tinymce_plugin( $plugin_array ) {
$plugin_array['my_mce_button'] = plugins_url().'/mce-button.js';
return $plugin_array;
function my_register_mce_button( $buttons ) {
array_push( $buttons, 'my_mce_button' );
return $buttons;


(function() {
tinymce.PluginManager.add('my_mce_button', function( editor, url ) {
editor.addButton( 'my_mce_button', {
icon: 'wp_code',
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menu: [
text: '添加样式',
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title: '添加样式',
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label: '选择样式',
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{text: 'Error', value: 'notification error'},
{text: 'Success', value: 'notification success'},
{text: 'Info', value: 'notification info'},
{text: 'Question', value: 'notification question'},
{text: 'Waring', value: 'notification waring'}
type: 'textbox',
name: 'titlecontent',
label: '文本内容',
value: '',
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onsubmit: function( e ) {
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text: '自定义链接',
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label: '链接地址',
value: 'https://www.drivereasy.com/DriverEasy_Setup.exe'
// {
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// value: 'onclick="ga(\'send\',\'event\',\'download\',\'click\',\'kbde-dedownload-\',1.00,{\'nonInteration\':1});)"',
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// minWidth: 300,
// minHeight: 100
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name: 'custom_links_description',
label: '链接名称',
value: '',
onsubmit: function( e ) {
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text: '超链接',
onclick: function() {
editor.windowManager.open( {
title: '超链接',
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body: [
type: 'textbox',
name: 'links',
label: '链接地址',
value: 'https://www.drivereasy.com/DriverEasy_Setup.exe'
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label: '自定义js代码',
value: 'onclick="ga(\'send\',\'event\',\'download\',\'click\',\'kbde-dedownload- \',1.00,{\'nonInteration\':1});)"',
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minWidth: 300,
minHeight: 100
type: 'textbox',
name: 'code',
label: '链接文本',
value: '',
multiline: true,
minWidth: 300,
minHeight: 100
onsubmit: function( e ) {
var code = e.data.code.replace(/\r\n/gmi, '\n'),
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var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? ' ' : '');
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