
BOOL Polygon(
LPPOINT lpPoints,
int nCount







 void CDCView::DrawPolygon(CDC* pDC)
// find the client area
CRect rect;
GetClientRect(rect); // draw with a thick blue pen
CPen penBlue(PS_SOLID, , RGB(, , ));
CPen* pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&penBlue); // and a solid red brush
CBrush brushRed(RGB(, , ));
CBrush* pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brushRed); // Find the midpoints of the top, right, left, and bottom
// of the client area. They will be the vertices of our polygon.
CPoint pts[];
pts[].x = rect.left + rect.Width()/;
pts[].y = rect.top; pts[].x = rect.right;
pts[].y = rect.top + rect.Height()/; pts[].x = pts[].x;
pts[].y = rect.bottom; pts[].x = rect.left;
pts[].y = pts[].y; // Calling Polygon() on that array will draw three lines
// between the points, as well as an additional line to
// close the shape--from the last point to the first point
// we specified.
pDC->Polygon(pts, ); // Put back the old objects.


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