Justice & Evil


The night before the night, i saw the latest movie in the Marvel series at JiaHua Cinema , Black Panther. The film was great, but it may be because the first time I watched a black movie, I was a little unaccustomed.

        As always, this is a 3D movie. Also, as before, the effect of 3D feels like a three-dimensional world behind the screen, but I always think about when it is possible to project the stereoscopic effect of the movie to the front of the screen. It will give people the feeling that the pictures in the movie are presented in a stereoscopic manner in the display world, with the same effect as a holographic projection. This technique is actually not difficult, perhaps there are other reasons, so the cinema is not used.
        In the movie, the representative of justice, the Panther lost when he accepted the challenge of his brother and lost the power of the god of the panther. When I saw this, I personally believed that the leopard's victory was unquestionable ,reasonable and compliant. However, the subsequent series of actions led to his status becoming unlawful and losing his popularity. In the end, the Panthers became a king again and defeated the leopard. The story ends.

MovieReview—Black Panther(黑豹)的更多相关文章

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